Christmas Drabble- Adam x Reader: Oops

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Warnings: Smut, first time, inexperienced reader (not virgin reader), dry humping, dean walking in, protective Adam

Request- first time (smut maybe) possibly getting caught by dean (oopssssss) haha

Authors Note- very interested, will happily work with this ;)

 The whole situation started when you invited Adam to your room to watch a movie. You were curled against him, head resting on his chest with your limbs entangled with his. You tried to be confident about it, scooting so that you were now straddling his hips and your hands were bracing you up on this chest.

He smiled at you questioningly, "what- you don't have to"

You grinned, leaning down to kiss him lightly, flattening your body flush against his. His anxieties about your advances melted away as he wrapped his arms around you.

You pulled away enough to speak, "Adam stop worrying, just touch me"

He sat up, kissing along your neck as his hands gathered the hem of your shirt. Adam pulled away while removing the top, tossing it to the end of the bed and returning his hands to your sides.

He smiled at your already bare chest, "No bra?"

You pouted at him comically, "You expect me to wear one when I'm trying to be comfy"

"No sweet heart, I'm just enjoying you"

You inhaled sharply as his hands trailed lower, gripping your hips and pushed you back and forth, feeling his hardening cock against your clothed clit. You rested your forehead against his, focusing on breathing as the waves of pleasure rolled over you.

He smirked, panting quietly, "Not even in you and you feel so good sweet heart"

You whimpered, feeling your breasts rocking to the pace and grazing Adam's chest.

"A-Adam, I-I-"

You came with force, body tensing and twitching as Adam held back from ruining his pants.

You were still moaning and twitching when Dean opened the door, experiencing more of you than he had ever expected to within five seconds. Your body fell limp against Adam, head feeling light and fuzzy as he pulled you close to him, shooting his brother a classic Winchester glare over your shoulder.

Dean closed the door without a word and left, still hearing your quiet whimpers echoing through his head.

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