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Well let's get right to the one shot. Pfft more like smut shot, enjoy pets.

The Winchesters are going to kill me if they ever find out.


You woke up in the middle of the night, might as well had been early morning if it was light out. Turning over in your mass of blankets to glance at your blue alarm clock the time flashed in red digital numbers. It read three in the morning. Again? You had a habit of waking in the night, usually at odd hours. Clambering out of the confining coverings you pulled on a black tank top and some over sized shorts. Obviously you couldn't just wander out in your underwear, tried that last time.

Not thinking about it, you had wandered out of your room in the bunker to find Sam and Dean in the library. You were half naked. So you tried not to  that ever again, it was awkward for a week. Dean would tease and Sam would sheepishly look away.

God did you ever think, either way the only possible way for you to fall back asleep was a cup of tea. Stalking gloomily down the hall Sam was researching and Dean was being annoying. "Sam, where's Crowley, he said he'd be here two hours ago" Dean groaned.

"Dean, how the hell would I know, if your so upset go summon him!"

Whos Crowley?

You had been a hunter pretty much all your life, since you became interested at age fifteen. You dropped out of high school to focus on it and eventually met the Winchesters. They brought you under their wing, let you move in here. Friends came and went, Kevin trans, charlie, Cas still came by every now and then but you'd never heard of Crowley. You chuckled at them, "you two always fight like an old married couple".

"Up early again?" Sam questioned concerned

"Yeah, just grabbing some tea and going to bed"

"See Sam your ruining her, I understand the salads and vegetables, but rabbit water?"

"Careful Dean, i bite"

Sam made a hissing sound and a claw gesture, "chick fight! Get me some popcorn!"

You rolled your eyes and wandered to the kitchen. Pulling out a pot and filling it with water to boil, you set it on the stove. A loud clatter drew your attention, "Crowley where the hell have you been!!" Deans voice echoed.

"I have more important matters to attend to than being your slave", the voice was deep, accented as well. With your attention else where the water boiled over onto the floor. You turned off the burner and hastily moved the pot only for it to scald your forearm. It clattered to the floor and spilled on your exposed toes. A loud screech emited from your throat as you were boiled alive. Dean and Sam thumped down the hall peering in concerned.

Another man sauntered down the hall cheerfully. His eyes gleamed with a sort of malice and gentel hatred, "another one boys? You players" rang his accented voice.

"I'm fine by the way" you stood gingerly on your burned feet. The comment Crowley had given hung in the back of your head. "What even happened?" Sam asked cleaning your mess.

"Pfft, I'm clumsy"

"No shit Sherlock" Dean remarked, you glared.

"Have these scoundrels treated you well"

"Just fine why"

"No reason" his voice seemed to rumble, almost like a pur but more intimidating.

Supernatural (And Other Fandom) SmutHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin