Christmas Drabble- Sherlock x reader

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Request: Him playing the violin for the first time for you as your Christmas present, and small makeout session hehehe...

Warnings: Kissing, awkwardness, pleasant music

Pairing: Sherlock x reader

Gender/Sex: any

You woke up slowly, it was Christmas eve, about five in the morning, the time your night terrors always woke you up. You usually suffered through them alone, silently crying and feeling the remnants off the dream's hold on you fading away, leaving your body curled, shuddering, and incapacitated. 

Though, today was slightly different, quiet, gentle music wafted into the room through the door. It was a lulling, dreamy sound that almost made you want to sleep again, though the thought of the terrors stopped you.

You left your bed and wandered quietly into the living room, seeing Sherlock expertly playing his violin. He continued for about a few minutes, refusing to take notice of you but at the same time fully acknowledging you. 

When he finished he put the instrument away on it's velvet case, cradling it like you would a small child. He turned to look at you, attempting a half smile to reassure you in some way. 

"I always hear you up around now, I thought the music might help..."

You nodded slightly, walking towards him shyly with outstretched arms, he returned the action and hugged you loosely. You wrapped your arms around his waist and kissed him, gently pressing your tongue against his lips and feeling his own peek out to meet yours. Something you hadn't expected from the awkward oaf.  You pulled away smiling.

"Did- did I do something right?" 


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