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Requested by, @Yoshi2004

You had been with your brothers for years, since Adam had died they were the only family you had. They always worried about you, not letting you go on hunts. But no matter what, they always brought you with so you could bum around in the motel or do some research. But for once, they were letting you come. As you had watched them hurry into an old warehouse to flush out some vamps you waited out side. Watching from behind a dumpster you dipped Your knife in the dead man's blood as you heard the doors slam open.

Peeking around the corner you saw about five vamps rush out the door. You took out a gun and loaded the special ammunition you had created, dead man's blood inside. You turned around and shot away at the monsters, wait, only three. You comprehended to late to use the information, rushing forth you had decapitated them and sighed. Before you could relax you felt two pairs of hands grip your shoulders and drag you down.

They picked you up and started running, you squirmed and kicked and hit to no avail. You could see Sam and Dean fighting their way from the nest to get to you. Heads hitting the ground, blood spurting, the works. Dean stopped and aimed the colt, he hit the one holding your waist and your head hit the ground. You pulled the extra knife from your jeans and sliced at the vamps tendons. The ligament snapped and the thing dropped you and staggered in pain.

Dean killed it while Sammy picked you up off the ground, "so, when's the next hunt?"

Dean huffed in rage, "never"

You smirked, you knew you'd proven your self and happily relaxed. Sam dropped you in the back seat and took shotgun, Dean obviously drove back to the motel. You walked in bloody and battered to the room, immediately you took a shower to get rid of the stench. You dried off and switched to a long over sized shirt for sleeping in, when you wandered back out you saw some one else. He gave you chills just looking at him.

"Dean, you are not my first priority"

"We're dealing with monsters and Crowley at the same time!"

You felt awkward just standing in the back of the room watching them all. But Dean had noticed you staring and sighed, "hey (Y/N)" you stepped forwards hesitantly. "Uh, hi" you said bluntly, the man was tallish a little shorter than dean. He just gave off some sort of power, like he radiated it. He turned to face you, "hello, my name is castiel" castiel awkwardly put out his hand for you to shake. And you did, it was amazingly soft, when you didn't let go Dean cleared his throat.

"Well, any ways, thanks for coming cas"

His hand dropped away and you tried to hide your blush, "I will be on my way" you watched as castiel walked towards the doors and disappeared with a flutter. "What the hell is he"


Sam chuckled, "what was with those sex eyes (Y/N)"

You gave him your best bitch face and grabbed a book before flopping onto one of the beds. You read for awhile before falling asleep, when you opened your eyes again you were covered by a blanket. laid out on the back seat of the impala. The engines purr close to a lullaby at this point, "where to now?". The boys anxiously glanced at each other, "we'll tell you later, get some more sleep" Sam smiled back at you.

You tried, honestly you did. But that angel, his blue eyes slight stubble and scruffy hair. You couldn't stop thinking about him and you hated it, you finally sat up and made grabby hands at Sam. "Laptop book, something" he handed you back the laptop and you searched for the name 'castiel' not much came up. There was a few fan fictions about some books called supernatural though.

"Hey boys, what do you think about wincest" you smirked as they both seized up. "Give that to me. Now!" Sam turned over and climbed the seat to reach for the computer. He ripped it from your hands but you got the battery pack from it. "Your not using anything til you get this" he frowned and sighed. "Jerk"

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