Chuck- Protected

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As I usually only do smut I'm going to do a short fluffy one. Which is normally not something I do, but please still enjoy as I hope to make a part two.

As the years passed your duty as Chuck's protector seemed unending. He never seemed to age and decades passed. Your affection for him only grew. Rather exploded, all his little quirks through out the day. Little things, the way he runs his fingers through his hair when he gotten stressed. When he would run around getting ideas, though other times not so much. He would find women and bring them into his home and pursue coitus.

Men came and went as well, you tried not to watch chuck when he performed those acts. But sometimes, you peeked. One day two men barged in, the other angels in the garrison spoke of them often. Chuck of course did not know he was a prophet of God. But the men told him, threatened him. You almost made your self known. They left him battered but not injured much.

After they left you flew in, he seemed startled. But it was only a facade, you could tell.

"W-who are you?!" He stuttered.

"I am your protector"

You stepped forwards and kneeled beside him, he seemed uncomfortable. You brought your hand forward to heal him. He shuffled backwards, "what are you doing?"

"I'm trying to heal you, stop moving"

He continued to back away. "No it's fine"

He didn't need to make this to difficult, "stop mov-" you tripped and fell forwards onto him. Abdomen against his hips, hands on his shoulders holding you up. Something seemed to move under you but you paid it no heed. With chuck unmoving at the moment you had the chance to heal him. You reached out your arm again and held your fingers to his forehead. His wounds glowed and healed.

He looked any where but at you, "uh, why are you here?"

You sighed, "I told you, I'm here to keep you safe"

He stood up and wandered to his desk head in his hands. Another migraine for the poor man, though the rumor of two prophets at once. Odd, it had never happened before. Was he even a prophet? Who could live this long with out magic, an angel? No, you'd be able to tell. He reached for another beer bottle. "You should go"


"I'm not feeling up for company"

"I'll still be here"

He sighed, "fine, I'm going to my room"

He grabbed a pack of beer on his way up the stairs. You surveyed the room in silence. It was messy to say the least, trash was stacked and knocked over in most places. While he was intoxicating him self you set out to clean, leaving his papers alone and throwing away the beer cans scattered around. By the time you were done, the place looked live able.

It was dark out side as the sun began to set. Quiet thrashing could be heard from up stairs in Chuck's room. You walked up the stairs and heard him moaning along with the slapping of skin. The door was cracked slightly, you peered in and found the man playing with him self. Heat rose to your face and you quietly gasped before silently sprinting down the stairs.

How embarrassing it was to see him like that, even so your body reacted in a way you had never felt before. Like a lower part of you heated up and quivered. you flew to a far off mountain to clear your mind. The cold air honestly didn't help. You sighed and travelled back in seconds. The house was just as you'd left it, cold, dirty, and smelling like a bar. Chuck was asleep on the couch, quietly snoring with a lap top in his hands.

You kneeled beside the furniture and gently removed the writing device and set it on a side table. Chuck looked so vulnerable. He turned over in his sleep, frowning still. Always frowning....

Why was he always sad?

You reached up a hand and played with his curls. His brown mop of a head turned to face you. You were horrified for a split second before realizing he was still in deep sleep. You continued to play with his hair, fingers sliding through it softly. And for once in awhile, a small smile shown on his lips. Now that you were up close you could clearly see the small scar above his left eye brow.

You had never noticed before, you ran your finger along it.  Planting a small kiss on his head before you stood up to leave. As if he sensed the absence of your presence he reached out for your hand and pulled you back. You kneeled beside him again, playing with his curls once more. "I'm here, I've always been here, I will always be here".

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