2.Strikes, Doubles and Turkeys

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A few minutes later we were at a buffalo wild wings. I actually was pretty excited. Buffalo Wild Wings was one of my favorite restaurants. The guys had out voted Hayley for where to go and we ended up here. Hayley ended up getting pretzels and buffalo chips since she was very particular about animal products she ate, if any. Meanwhile Taylor got a burger, Zac got some mild wings and I got boneless hot wings making all of them look at me like I was crazy.

"So you like spicy food then, I'm assuming" Hayley asked after they all looked and smelled my wings when they finally came to the table. "Tell us more about yourself. You're going to be stuck with us at least for a decent few months, might as well get to know ya." She said jokingly but looked genuinely interested.

"hum... I don't know what you want to know...." I said feeling a bit weird talking about myself "I like spicy stuff.... When I grew up my parents had habanero plants in our backyards that we'd pick to make our own hot sauce" I said naming off a random fact about myself

"Seriously? Habanero is ridiculously spicy. Even your wings are making my eyes water a bit and I'm not even eating them" Zac said leaning away from me jokingly with a smirk.

"There's nothing wrong with a bit of spice in your life" Taylor commented letting his shyness be overcome with a smirk before turning his attention back to his food. I could tell that he and Hayley weren't completely comfortable around me as Zac seemed to be, but it was okay because the feeling was pretty mutual. I had no clue how I had ended up here in this restaurant having dinner with these three people. We had run into a bit of their fans on the way in but after a few pictures and me trying my best not to be awkward as we waited for our table, we were escorted to amore secluded section of the restaurant.

"Says the guy with about the blandest dinner here" Hayley pipped back. The friendly banter continued back and forth between them and I found myself even half enjoying my place here as they continued to try and pick my brain about me while also adding their own information about themselves like where they grew up, favorite types of food, their families and other random stuff as a give and get conversation. We had pretty great conversations that flowed easily between the three of us. They were honestly very down to earth and funny group of people and seemed to flow off of one another's energy. I felt a lot more comfortable with them then I expected to and even had to reel myself back in when I saw myself letting loose too much. These were still people I was working with and needed to be somewhat professional, I kept telling myself that at least.

"It's a shame Justin couldn't come out" Hayley had said between bites of her food.

"Oh yeah. He promised Jana he'd be on daddy duty apparently so he had to go home to put Nora to bed" Taylor informed before turning to me, "Nora is my niece, Justin's daughter, and Jana is his wife" He explained.

"Yeah, I don't know if you noticed but talent just runs in the York family. Im ready to see Nora shredding on her little baby guitar any time now" Hayley joked nudging her shoulder with Taylor.

"Forget paramore. We could be in a band with Nora instead" Zac added in making Taylor laugh.

"It'll be yorkamore" He joked back all three of them laughing together.

"Yorkamore? That sounds like some kind of Irish folk band" Zac concluded making they erupt in more laughter.

"And here I was thinking it was some play on Voldemort" Hayley voiced back.

"I think that would be yorkemort.... He could be in the band too though" Taylor added starting up the laughter again.

For a few moment I forgot that I was supposed to be an active participant in the conversation and just watched them all. They were all just so laid back and content with one another. The jokes flowed back and forth between the three of them as they somehow seemed to create their own bubble of comfort.

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