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Author's Note: Hey everyone. It occurred to me I didn't do an author's note last chapter so I wanted to fill you in. For those of you who were tracking, I am now the proud mommy of a sweet baby boy. He was born in January and I couldn't be more in love. Since I have been on leave, I have had time to write again, so here is the next chapter. I didn't want to leave you hanging too long after their first kiss last chapter. Fair warning, I may not update again for a little while as I am nearing the end of my maternity leave and trying to get my little man on a schedule. But I will be working on the next chapter as soon as I can. Please let me know what you all think. I love reading your comments and I apprecaite all the love and support.  

We didn't talk the whole way back. We didn't talk all afternoon. We didn't talk in the evening or when we laid down to go to sleep. We didn't talk this morning. Or now on our way on this run with Maggie and Glenn. Anytime Daryl sees me, he looks away. Anytime I talk, he is sure to be talking to someone else. Maybe it was a mistake. Maybe kissing him screwed things up between us. Maybe Daryl is just being Daryl and ignoring the truth about this whole situation. The truth is he leaned first. If he didn't like it, and doesn't want things to change between us, then he needs to say so, instead of avoiding me. Cause the longer he doesn't talk to me or even acknowledge my presence, the more pissed off I get at him. Maybe it was a mistake, but I don't regret it. I always wondered what kissing Daryl would be like. He certainly did not disappoint. It was the best kiss I have ever had. But it if wasn't for him, that's okay. As much as I want us to be more, I don't want us to stop being friends and lose hi over something so stupid.

While we were gone yesterday, Abraham found a car parked in the barn behind the cabin. He worked on it all yesterday and finally this afternoon got it to start. With a working car, it was decided that a run should be made to look for more supplies and any other vehicles we could find. Maggie and Glenn volunteered for the run and Rick asked Daryl and I to tag along. I could tell Daryl wasn't happy about it, but he didn't argue. Maggie, however, did argue. She immediately was against the idea stating it was "too dangerous" for me to come along. Rick and I assured her I had been on runs before and that I would be fine. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Daryl tense and glare at Maggie. I could tell he was biting his tongue. If he cared enough to get mad at that, then why didn't he care enough to talk to me about yesterday?

Maggie and I are sitting in the backseat in silence. She is still sour about losing the argument from earlier. Glen and Daryl, on the other hand, are just a talking away in the front seat. I am so annoyed with everyone and everything. I know that I need to put these feelings away. As angry as I am with Maggie and Daryl, I need to forget it for the time being. Focusing on the run is what is most important right now. If I am not focused, then I could make a mistake. Mistakes are deadly now a days. I close my eyes and clear my head. I'll be damned if I let this whole thing get the better of me. After about twenty minutes, we come upon a small town and I am much more at ease. We park in front of the movie theater and decide the guys should venture out to find a vehicle or two while Maggie and I hit some of the smaller shops around the theater. In an hour, we all are to meet up at the car and then hit a local grocery store just down the road.

Maggie and I sit on the hood of the car while we wait for the guys. It took us about 45 minutes to hit the stores surrounding the movie theater. At first, we only spoke when necessary. But our moods gradually improved with each passing store. We haven't spoken much but the silence has become more comfortable now than when we first started. I glance to her beside me and bust out laughing when I see what she is reading.

"What?" She grins at me knowingly.

"Where did you find that?" I nod at the Cosmopolitan magazine in her hand.

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