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I just stared up at the vaulted ceiling of the church, shifting again in an attempt to get comfortable with no such luck. The dull ache in my shoulder never would subside no matter how I laid on the cold wooden floor. I was so desperate for sleep. Mentally, emotionally, and physically exhausted from today's events. However, regardless of how tired I was, sleep never came. Every time I could feel myself begin to drift, my body would relax creating the slightest movement sending a shooting pain from my arm would jolt me awake. Everyone else had been asleep for at least a couple of hours with the exception of Tyrese who was currently on watch near the front doors of the building. I let out a long frustrated sigh. "I was able to sleep comfortably at the apartment. Why can't I sleep now?" I thought. After a few more minutes of studying, I came to a realization.
I slowly lifted myself up in a sitting position, looking around at the others laying on the floor around me. As carefully as I could, I stood up and stealthy crossed the room to the nearest wall on the left side of the sanctuary. As I approached, I could see him sleeping near the wall, away from the others. The sound of his gruff voice stops me dead in my tracks.
"Ain't you suppose to be sleepin'?" He softly questioned keeping his eyes closed.
"Can't... can't get comfortable... my shoulder." I admitted as I reached the wall, slowly turning pressing my back to the wall, easing myself down to sit next to him. "Thought I would give this a try..." He opened his eyes meeting my gaze looking down at him. I gave him a quick smile as he just stared at me. "What if he doesn't wanting you sleeping here so close to him?" I contemplated internally. "Do you mind?" I asked.
He shook his head closing his eyes once more. I stretched my legs out in front of me, leaning my head against the wall behind me, realizing quickly this was way more comfortable than laying down. I closed my eyes waiting for sleep to take me. After another ten minutes, I still couldn't sleep, thoughts of Maggie flooded my mind.
"Ya shoulder ain't the only thing keeping you up." Daryl stated suddenly. Feeling those blue eyes on me, I turned to look at him.
"Just thinking... about Maggie." I confessed. He stirred, pulling himself into a sitting position, then finally putting his back against the wall mimicking me. He was sitting so close I could feel the heat radiating off his body, sending shivers down my spine. I could see the worried expression on his face. He didn't say anything. He just watched, patiently waiting for me to continue.
"I know I shouldn't be upset with her for leaving." I paused. "Although I can't help but be a little hurt by the whole thing. I know you told her I was alive at Terminus. But it has been a little over a month since we were separated. There was no way that she could've known I was still alive. I just can't shake this feeling that she gave up on me. Like they all did..." I say looking out at our family sleeping before us. "...well everyone except you."
Daryl just listened taking it all in. Then finally he broke the silence, "I couldn't."
"Why?" I inquired.
"Because I realized it wouldn't kill me to have a little faith." He said using the same words I said to him not so long ago. "Plus you're a lot tougher than everyone gives you credit for, Greene."
I smiled at him, placing my head on his shoulder. I could feel him tense at my sudden contact, but I didn't care. I needed the comfort. "Thank you."
"It's nothing." He huffed. Although he was uncomfortable at first, he never moved. Eventually allowing himself to relax.
"No, it's something." I say, takin his hand in mine as we fall into silence. A wave of exhaustion plagues me as my eyes flutter shut. I feel his thumb rubbing the back of my hand gently as I drift off to sleep.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
I awoke in what looked like an old abandoned warehouse. I stood up realizing I was alone. Unsure of where everyone was, trying not to panic, I began to search the building. Coming into a room, I see Noah, Carol and Tyrese. I call to them, but they ignore me. I go over to them, just as they are within reach... they disappear. I can feel the tears welling up in my eyes as I turn around looking for them. Relief washes over me as Daryl comes into view. He doesn't say anything. He just takes my hand and leads me to the next room where we find Rick, Carl, Michonne, and Judith. Once again I call to them, unlike the others they acknowledge me. I let go of Daryl's hand to take Judith who is reaching out for me. As I approach, they too disappear. What was happening? I turn to look at Daryl who is no longer there. Fear begins envelopes me. Frantically my eyes dance around the room before finally landing on his silhouette in another doorway. Just like that, calm takes over as I go to him. I know as long as he's here I am safe. My eyes meet his and he nods his head to the right. I follow his gesture and gasp. Maggie and Glenn are there. I run to embrace my sister and brother-in-law. Closing my eyes as hug my sister. My eyes dart open realizing I am grasping air. Why was everyone leaving me? I run my fingers through my hair in frustration. Daryl is still standing in the doorway. Scared, I come to terms with the fact it's just me and him. He and I were alone before and I was happy. I will miss my family but as long as I have him I am okay. I tell him I want to go. He just nods in reply. I step through the door and into the hallway at Grady. How did we get here? I look around and I am alone again. I look behind me to see Gorman at the other end of the hallway with a sucker in his mouth. An evil smile forms on his lips. I can't be here. Where did Daryl go? "Daryl..." I cry. I can hear him somewhere in the distance calling to me. He sounds so far away. Are they torturing him? I tremble at the thought.
"Beth!" His voice is clearer now, but still don't see him. Gorman starts walking toward me. I can feel my body shaking violently now as he nears. I back away from him until my back finds a wall. I cower against it shutting my eyes bracing myself for the abuse I know that is going to inevitably come.
"Beth! Wake up!" Daryl pleads. It sounds like he is right next to me. My eyes jerk open but my vision is distorted from the tears. I can feel his strong hands on my shoulders shaking me out of my nightmare causing the tears to fall from my eyes.
"Daryl...?" I question in between sobs unable to stop myself from crying. I look around we are back in the church.
"Look at me." He puts both hands on either side of my face forcing me to look at him. "I'm here." He pulls me into a hug. "It was just a dream. You're okay." He coos as he strokes my hair, pulling me into his lap and slowly rocks me. "I'm right here. It was just a dream. You're okay." He keeps saying it over and over until I calm down. My face is buried in his chest, I breathe in his scent of leather and tobacco. Taking a few more deep breathes, I slowly pull away to face him.
"Sorry to wake you." I mutter. My hands squeeze his bicep just to ensure he really is there.
"Don't be." His face etched with concern. "Do you want to talk about it?"
"No." I put my head in the crook of his neck and close my eyes. He doesn't attempt to move me out of his lap like I thought he would. I am grateful because I have never felt safer. Instead he rests his head against mine. I try to match his breathing which helps me quickly fall back to sleep.

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