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It's been a month since the tower fell, since the herd got inside the walls, and since the Wolves disguised themselves as walkers and tried to destroy us and our home. The wall is finally rebuilt and fixed thanks to Abraham and the construction crew. Carl is now at home. He lost his left eye to a gunshot wound. Apparently, Ron, Jessie's oldest son, tried to shoot Rick. Michonne stabbed him with her katana and he accidently fired the gun. The stray bullet hit Carl right in his left eye. But despite it all, he seems to be in good spirits.

Rock music blares from the ceiling above our bed. I roll over into Daryl and groan. He wraps a sleepy arm around me. "I'm glad the kid's alright but if he don't quit blarin' that damn music every mornin' I'm gonna kill him." Daryl gruffs.

I feel the same way but I am also a little more forgiving than Daryl is. "Go easy on him. He's happy to be home. And to be fair, we slept in."

"Yeah, yeah." Daryl huffs. "I know." He looks down at me and smiles. "Ya ready for tonight?"

I nod and smile back up at him. "I can't wait."

"Me neither." He says sincerely. His eyes are thoughtful as he rubs his calloused hands up and down my spine. "I guess I should get up and go."

He goes to get out of bed and I try to stop him. "No. Stay."

"Nah." He pulls away from my touch and he walks across the room. He tugs on his clothes as he says. "I gotta a lot I gotta do today. Plus ain't it bad luck for the groom to see the bride before the weddin'?" He asks lightly.

"It ain't if you don't believe in all that mess." I tell him as I sit up in bed.

He gives me that cute half smile of his as he leans down to kiss my forehead. "Well... I still gotta go. We're already pushin' it by staying together last night."

I roll my eyes at him but I appreciate what he is trying to do. He has said he wants to do the marriage thing right. He's trying to give me a wedding that I would have probably gotten before the world ended. It's sweet. He even tried to tell me he was gonna sleep next door last night. I didn't like that idea. I insisted it wasn't a big deal. Those old superstitions were dumb and I guilted him into staying with me. I pouted and told him that he knows I can't sleep without him. Also that I didn't want to be a bride with huge dark circles under her eyes because my future husband insisted on sticking to old stupid superstitions that didn't mean anything anyways. He caved but was very adamant that any touches we shared would be respectful and PG. I rolled my eyes in agreement and we both got a much needed good night's sleep.

He gives me one last kiss. "I'll see ya tonight."

I smile wide at him. "Okay I'll be the one in white."

The tips of his ears turn red and he grins shyly at me just before he turns and leaves. I don't know what he's going to do all day. The ceremony is tonight. Daryl wanted the ceremony to be at night under the stars like my song.

While I have no idea what he's doing all day, I know what I'm doing. I've got to get ready for tonight. It won't take all day but everyone involved has insisted that I take the day to get ready, relax, read or whatever. They keep saying it's my day. I tried to resist and tell them I'm happy to do some job or chore to help out around here during the day but they all refused.

It's my day.

My wedding day.

At the end of the night I'll be Mrs. Daryl Dixon. No longer Beth Greene, but Beth Dixon. The thought makes me smile. I can't wait for tonight. Thankfully it's still winter. The days are shorter and it gets dark earlier.

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