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Inside Aaron and Eric's house we are hit with the wonderful aroma of garlic bread. It makes my mouth water. It smells so good. The house is laid out very similar to ours. It's a little smaller than our house but still it's a huge house for just two people.

"We have dinner guests." Aaron calls out as we enter the living room.

"Oh?" We can hear Eric respond from the kitchen area. From the living room we can see inside the dining room area and a wall separates us from seeing the kitchen. A moment later, Eric pokes his head around the corner to come see his guests. "Beth! Daryl! Come in, come in." He ushers us into the living room. "Dinner will be ready in about five minutes. Just make yourselves at home."

He disappears back into the kitchen in a flash, leaving Aaron, Daryl and I alone in the living room. Aaron clears his throat and gestures for us to sit. "You guys thirsty? Would you like some wine?"

I smile. "Sure that would be great. Thank you."

Aaron looks to Daryl who gives him a firm nod. "Okay I'll go get us a glass."

I shift a little on the couch to look at Daryl beside me. He looks uncomfortable but no more than usual. His eyes meet mine and I smile at him. His lips twitch and I can see his whole body visibly relax. He gives me a smile and puts his elbows on his knees. He nudges me with a knee. "Didn't you have drink at the party?" He asks in an amused tone.

I mimic his position, putting my elbows and my knees and lean my body into his slightly. I giggle softly. "Mhmm. I didn't drink much. The beer was gross." I wrinkle my nose causing him to huff a laugh. "I've always wanted to try wine. That okay with you Mr. Dixon?"

He gives me a pointed look. "Don't start that shit."

I giggle again. "That's right, I forgot you don't like it when I call you that."

"Didn't say that." He responds quickly. As soon as it leaves his mouth, he looks as though he regrets it when he sees my smile grow wider at the information.

I lean into him a little more. "Oh so you do like it?" I ask flirtatiously. He bumps my shoulder with his and looks away. His face is turning a little pink so I continue to tease gently. "I'm allowed to flirt with my fiance just a little bit."

He laughs softly. "Is that what you're doin'?"

"Well clearly it's not working if you can't tell." I joke.

He looks down at his feet with a ghost of a smile. I notice his ears peeking out from under his hair are even more red now. "Stop."

I sigh, a little disappointed. I like to flirt and I love when he flirts with me, but I can tell he is reaching his limit so I agree to stop. "Yes sir."

"Beth." His tone is frustrated.

"What?" I ask, a little defensive. "You asked me to stop and I did."

He huffs. "You know damn well what."

I'm super confused now. "Uh I really don't. Why don't you tell me?" His eyes search my face and he must can tell I mean it when I say I have no clue what he's referring to. He sighs and looks toward the kitchen. I roll my eyes. "You can hear them talking in there. They can't hear us."

He contemplates this for a moment and finally gives in. "This ain't the place t'be discussin' turn ons."

My eyebrows shoot up in surprise. "Turn ons? Have I been doing something that is turning you on?"

"E'erythin' you do turns me on, woman." He growls.

"Oh really?" I ask with a smile, leaning a little more into him.

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