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It takes almost an entire month to get everything ready to lead the walkers out of the quarry and away from Alexandria. We've been busy. Not only with all the preparation but with Carter. He tried to organize a mutiny against our group. Eugene overheard him with Spencer, Tobin and a couple of others, he was plotting to kill Rick. Eugene, being the klutz he is, knocked over something and almost got himself killed when Carter discovered him. Thankfully for him, Rick and Daryl came in just at the right time. Rick put together quickly what was happening and held Carter at gunpoint. Daryl didn't say much but I could tell he didn't like the whole interaction.

"Y'all walked in on him about to kill Eugene? Oh my God." I say in disbelief.

Daryl nods. "Yeah. Rick flipped the script pretty quick though. Not even a minute later, Rick was the one holdin' the gun and Carter was the one on his knees, beggin'. Dude was scared shitless. All of 'em were."

I can tell by his expression something is bothering him. "What is it?"

Daryl's eyes dance around the room and he shakes his head slightly. "Nothin'. Rick let the weasel go... eventually."

"Eventually?" I ask.

Daryl rubs his chin then nods. "Rick just let 'im sweat longer than I thought he would is all."

Daryl loves Rick. Rick's like the brother he never got from Merle. Merle was so much older and so different from Daryl. Their relationship wasn't easy to say the least. But with Rick, they are closer in age and always so in sync with each other. I think the times they aren't in sync worry Daryl.

He also doesn't like that Rick has put a stop to us scouting for now. He and I talked about it a lot. I see both sides. The herd at the quarry is the number one priority right now. But just because we had one bad go of it doesn't mean we should stop looking for people. There are plenty of people out there who need a place like this and we need them. Who knows? We could find more families or kids who are orphaned, like Enid, or another doctor. Denise is great but she never got the chance to truly practice medicine. She was still in college when the world ended. She helped Pete some but still has lots to learn. Daryl said he told Rick he didn't agree. But it just wasn't sitting well with him.

"Why don't you try talking to Rick again?" I encourage him gently.

"Nah. His mind's made up." Daryl shrugs.

"He respects your opinion. He might change his mind if you talk to him."

The next day at one of the barricade sights, we were all working and I heard him tell Rick that us going out to find more people was us taking care of ourselves but it was Rick's call. Then he simply walked away leaving Rick to sit there with it. I couldn't help but beam with pride when I heard him tell Rick that. Daryl took my advice. He stood up to Rick for something he believed in. I watched Rick look around and he caught me smiling, realizing I heard the conversation.

"Is this your influence?" He asks in a playful tone.

My smile grows wider and I shrug. Rick gives me a grin and I giggle and get back to work.

Aside from all that, there was the situation with Maggie. At the time of the meeting, we weren't sure if she was pregnant or not. Glenn and Daryl went out a couple of days later and got a few pregnancy tests and some prenatal vitamins (just in case). I wanted to come too but I figured I needed the practice of being separated from Daryl.

The whole time they were gone, I was on edge. I tried to remind myself that we used to be apart all the time. But that was before. Before the prison fell. Before we escaped together. Before he became the most important person in the world to me. Before we fell in love. When I was taken, it felt like I wasn't whole anymore without him. The moment he and Glenn exit the gate that feeling came back, hitting me like a ton of bricks.

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