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Author's note: Hey lovelies. Sorry it has taken so long to get this story updated. I hope you enjoy this chapter. It's a little bit of fluff. I just couldn't help myself. Keep leaving your wonderful comments. I can't wait to hear your thoughts on this chapter.

On the way back to the cabin, Glenn and Daryl take the van while Maggie and I take the car. I figured this would be the perfect time to tell her. I don't even have to bring it up. Maggie immediately starts probing once we are on the road.

"I promise I am not being nosy.... But I couldn't help notice before the run, things between you and Daryl seemed awfully tense and now it seems like everything is all good. Did you two kiss and makeup over whatever it was you were fighting about?"

I can't contain my laugh at her choice of words. "Actually that is exactly what happened."

Her eyes get big. "You two kissed! I knew something was different after the grocery store. What happened? Tell me everything. What were y'all fighting about to begin with?"

"Well we weren't exactly fighting. He was avoiding me."

"Why was he avoiding you?"

"Remember two days ago, when Daryl and I got back from our archery lesson?" She nods. "Well I had been working at it all morning and I finally hit the target tree. I got so excited. I turned and hugged him. The next thing I know he's leaning in and kisses me-"

"You kissed days ago and I am just now hearing about it?!" She interrupts.


"Sorry. How was it?"

I sigh. "It was... amazing."

She is grinning from ear to ear for a moment, then gets a confused look on her face. "So why was he avoiding you? Because you kissed?" She looks to me for confirmation. I simply nod. "Why would he do that? He initiated the kiss. He clearly wants to be with you. It doesn't make any sense."

"Because he is Daryl. That's what he does. He gets close, doesn't know how to deal so he runs away from it."

"What happened today then?"

"We got stuck in the grocery store, locked ourselves in an office and I forced him to talk about it."

"I would have loved to see that."

"It consisted of a lot of yelling at first. Him at me that it wasn't the time. Me at him arguing it was the perfect time to be a man and tell me how he feels. He got all quiet and wouldn't say anything for a while. I got frustrated and went to turn away and then he grabs me and kisses me. Then we talked and now we're together."

"Are you happy?"

"Very happy."

"Good. That's all I need to hear. But you know I will have to give him the talk right?" I roll my eyes at her in response.

When we get back to the cabin, it is dark out. Everyone is still up so they all help us unload. Then slowly people start calling it a night. I'm laying on my spot on the floor for about twenty minutes when Daryl finally comes into view. He is one of the last people still awake besides myself and Abraham who is on watch. I can see he looks apprehensive as he approaches. He stops further away than normal and starts taking off his jacket.

"What are you doing all the way over there?"

"Going to sleep what does it look like I'm doing?" He answers defensively.

"Over there?"

He sighs frustrated. "Yeah, where'd you like me to sleep? I told ya I ain't into all that snugglin' shit."

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