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We've been on the road for two days straight, only stopping every four or so hours to eat, stretch and siphon gas. When the sun sets, we pull over and try to get some rest, then wake up the next morning to repeat the process all over. We've made good time and were already in Virginia. Although, we still were a ways from Richmond and hadn't seen any signs of Abraham's regimen.

It was late afternoon, when we stopped in a small town that I can't actually remember the name of. On our last stop, about five miles back, Rick had uncovered a fallen billboard on the side of the road advertising for a local outdoor sports store. Rick, Daryl, Sasha and I were headed there now to check it out, while the others stayed behind with the cars to find us a place to hunker down for the night. I was shocked when Rick selected me to come along over Carol or Michonne. But I wasn't going to question it, it felt good to be asked to do something other than watch Judith. Not that I don't love watching her... I do. But I don't want things to go back to the way they were before, at the prison, where I was weak and all that was expected of me was to be a glorified babysitter. I am different now, changed. I've finally come into my own. Thanks to Daryl, I realized I was strong, and learned how to take care of myself. I was no longer that scared, weak girl that left the prison. I am an asset to the group, an equal. The fact that I am here, on this run, was proof of that.

As the store came into view, I took in our surroundings. The streets were barren but the buildings were in still in good shape. It was like a ghost town. Any minute I expected to see a tumbleweed blowing by like in the old westerns in a deserted town right before the big dramatic showdown. But it never came. Instead we marched up to the door, banged on the glass and waited. Silence. With a firm nod from Rick, Daryl opened the door. We entered cautiously still on the lookout for any stray walkers that may be trapped inside. Again, we were met with silence. "Sasha and I will take the right. You and Beth take the left." Rick instructed Daryl.

He grunted in acknowledgment and grabbed a shopping cart. I followed closely behind him. It was amazing that the store had managed to go this long untouched. All the products were still neatly on the shelves collecting dust. I looked carefully at each item hoping to spot anything useful. I read a sign marking the upcoming aisle as "Camping" and was surprised when Daryl passed it. Then he continued to pass several more aisles that contained valuable supplies we desperately needed like he was on a mission. "Where is the heck is he going?" I questioned internally.


"We'll come back for it. Just need to find something first." It was like he could read my mind. Thoroughly confused, I started trying to figure out what he was searching for as I blindly followed him. Once he turned the corner, it all made sense. I chalk it up to hunger and lack of sleep clouding my thought process because the answer was so obvious.

"Pick one." He gestured to the wall before me that held every kind of bow you could ever imagine. There were crossbows, compound bows, regular recurve bows, long bows... you name it, they had it. Below the bow buffet hanging on the wall, there was a shelf that contained arrows, bolts and all kinds of archery accessories. In that moment, it became clear why I was chosen to come on this run. As soon as we stopped, I saw Daryl whisper something to Rick but I didn't think anything of it. He wanted me to come so I could pick out my own bow. "Really?" I squeaked out in disbelief.

"Yeah. It's 'bout time you got your own." He paused for a moment rubbing his chin. "Sides I'm sick of sharing mine with ya."

I chuckled knowing he was just giving me a hard time and stared back at the wall. It was a little overwhelming. All these bows in front of me and I had to pick one. I had no idea where to even begin. "Which one would you suggest?"

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