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Author's Note: This chapter is long but I wanted to show the apprehensions that Daryl has about he and Beth. Also, I wanted those concerns to be dealt with before they made that next step so when it finally does happen he won't fight it. Hope you enjoy.

The next morning came quickly and before I knew it we were on the road again. We pulled over about a mile away from Richmond. Rick thought it best to scout the place before we entered. He appointed himself, Tyrese, Noah, Glenn, and Michonne to go. Meanwhile, the rest of us were to stay behind and wait. Abraham had some radios and allowed Rick to carry one on the mission in case things went south. Rick stated they shouldn't be gone longer than two hours since this was a quick and easy scouting mission. Like there was such a thing anymore. Nothing is ever easy, not in this world. The mission maybe simple, but that doesn't mean it'll be easy.

They left no longer than five minutes ago and I can't shake this bad feeling I have. I know they can take care of themselves and I shouldn't worry, but I can't help it. Something doesn't feel right. Maybe this isn't about the mission, but where we are, some random backroad in Virginia. We didn't see any walkers on our way here. But that doesn't necessarily mean anything. When Daryl and I were alone, sometimes we would go days without seeing one. Daryl. He always telling me to trust my instincts. I am trying, I just don't know what my instincts are telling me at this moment. What I do know, is something is off.

"Yooo hoo, Beth?" A hand waving in front of my face snaps me out of my thoughts. I turn to see Maggie sitting beside me looking at me expectantly.

"Yeah..." Is all I can manage to say back.

Maggie frowns. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah. I'm fine. Just thinking. What's up?" I shrug it off hoping she won't read too much into it.

"You always were a space cadet at times." We both giggle and I give her a slight shove. After a minute, her face goes serious and she looks at me again. "Can I ask you a question?"

"Sure." I look back at her. I can see she is hesitating like she is scared to ask. I give her a small smile urging her to continue.

"What happened between you and Daryl out there?" At the mention of Daryl, my eyes involuntarily look over at him sitting next to Carol. I quickly look away and back down at my feet.

I know what she is asking, because I have been asking myself that same question for a while now. But I decide to play dumb. "What do you mean?"

Maggie huffs. "I mean when we left the prison you and Daryl barely spoke. Now you two are inseparable it seems. If you aren't near each other, then you are never out of each other sights. Glenn even thinks that you two are together or something."

I can't help but give a small laugh. "You and Glenn gathered all of that from less than 24 hours of being back."

"Yes and no. Yes, I have been watching you two very carefully and Glenn has been asking the others what is up with you guys." She is clearly annoyed by my sarcasm.

I sigh in defeat. I might as well tell her. "Honestly... I don't know what happened between Daryl and me. He found me and we left the prison together. At first things were rough like we were the last two people on Earth. He was so angry and hopeless. He was convinced that everyone we knew was dead. Me, on the other hand, the eternal optimist, just knew we couldn't have been the only ones that made it out. I forced him to look, to track, knowing that we would find someone. But we never did. When it became apparent, it was just us, things changed. We became a team. He taught me how to hunt, to track, to survive... and I taught him how to hope again. We got close... real close. Things were good, great even. Then... I was taken." Maggie is staring at me intently waiting for me to continue. I look over at Daryl and back down at the ground. "And now that I am back, I have no idea what I am to Daryl. I don't even think he knows. I just know we are important to each other and we care a lot about each other."

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