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We've been walking for days. After Tyrese's funeral, one by one each vehicle either broke down or ran out of gas, forcing us to continue on foot. At first it wasn't so bad until we had to start rationing the water. Now we are running dangerously low on water. Every day Daryl or Michonne scout ahead for water and shelter and every day they come back empty handed. Thankfully, between Daryl and I everyone is staying fed. But with the lack of water and all the walking, we are all exhausted. We need a place to recuperate and we need it bad. I'm not sure how long we can keep going like this, especially Judith.

Today I am on baby duty and I have noticed she isn't doing well. She needs food, water, a proper goodnight's sleep. Also, I think she is teething. She's completely drooled through my shirt and keeps sucking on her hands more than usual. Luckily, I remembered from all my reading at the prison that massaging her gums would help. Any time she gets fussy, I just start massaging her gums and she settles right down.

"Rick." Michonne calls out.

"I see it." I hear him reply. When I look up from Judith, I see what they are talking about, walkers ahead. About 30 or so, coming right for us.

"It's too many for us to fight off. We don't have the strength or the energy." Michonne advises in a hushed tone.

Rick takes his left hand and rubs his beard. "I know." He stops and looks back at us, then the walkers again. "Alright everyone, we are going to meet the walkers at the bridge. We will not fight them. We need to conserve our energy. We let them approach, then we push them or let them fall off the bridge themselves. We let them do all the work. Agreed?" No one says anything but what other choice do we have. "Noah, Eugene, and Beth, you guys hang back and let us deal with them." All three of us nod at him as we take our place in the back of the pack, while the others march ahead to the bridge. Several people are set up on bridge on each side and wait. "Beth." Rick says quietly.

I readjust Judith on my hip and look in his direction. "Yeah?"

"If anything goes wrong, you take Judith and go. You hear me?"

"Okay. I will." I secure the baby on my chest in a make shift pouch Carol devised from a backpack.

Rick nods at me getting back in formation while the walkers are almost in position. Slowly one by one, the dead approaches the group. All anyone has to do is simply move out of the way and the walkers lose their footing and fall down the hill. It's all going so smoothly half the walkers have been taken care og and then Sasha charges. That is when all hell breaks loose. Some walkers get past the group and head for me, Judith, Noah, and Eugene. Noah takes one out and saves Eugene from getting bit by another. Three walkers stalk me and I start to walk backwards. Noah's too far and I can't risk Judith's life by attacking. My only option is to retreat. Before I turn around, I see a bolt land in the eye of the walker closest to me.

"Go Beth!" Daryl shouts. "Go! I'll find you."

All the commotion has attracted more walkers from the woods. I hate it but I run away to keep Judith safe. There are two walkers on our heels. Eventually I get enough space between us and them, I can clearly assess the situation. I take off my backpack and set it by a tree. Then move Judith in the pouch on my back. I grab my crossbow and take aim. I easily dispense of the walkers following us. With a moment to breathe, I take a look at our surroundings. We are in the middle of the woods and I cannot hear anyone or anything. I have to find Judith and I a safe place to stay until Daryl can come find us. Peeking through the trees I see some kind of structure ahead. I move Judith back to my chest, grab my backpack and go check it out.

As we get closer, I see it is a house. It appears to have been abandoned long ago, but I still take caution as I near the front door. Putting my bag on the porch and moving Judith to the safety of my back, I take my crossbow again. I bang on the screen door and wait. No sounds come from the inside, so I quietly enter the home. The house is an open concept, from the entryway I can see the living room, dining room, and part of the kitchen. Slowly and carefully, I clear each room to find the house is empty. It is a cute two-story log cabin, the second floor is a loft, and I can't help but think this place would be perfect for the group to stay for a couple of days. My thoughts are confirmed when I find several gallons of water, food and even some baby food in the kitchen. Also, in the bathroom, I find some medicine and a first aid kit. No doubt in my mind this place is the salvation we have been searching for. All Judith and I can do now is wait for Daryl to find us, so we can show him our amazing find.


Judith is playing on the floor while I sit on the couch and watch out the window for Daryl. We have been waiting for at least an hour when I finally see some movement at the tree line. To my disappointment a walker appears out of the woods. I sigh, and grab my crossbow. It is too far away to shoot from the porch, but I can meet it halfway before it gets too close. I step out on the porch closing the door behind me to keep Judith safe. When I turn back to the walker, I see it fall with a lovely green bolt sticking out the back of its head, revealing Daryl behind it. I cannot contain a huge smile from filling my face as I lower my crossbow. He is still far away but I see him breathe a sigh of relief when he sees me. He takes his bolt and meets me at the porch.

"Took you long enough Mr. Dixon." I tease.

He ignores my remark and looks at me all serious. "Hey, where is little Asskicker?"

"She is inside. Come on I can't wait for you to see this place." I grab his hand and lead him inside.

At the sight of Daryl, Judith instantly lights up like a light bulb. She drops the towel she is chewing on and reaches up to be held. I pick her up as Daryl looks around. "Everyone okay?" I ask.

"Yeah, they're all waitin' at the bridge."

"We really lucked out with this place. There are enough supplies here for us to stay here a couple of days. It isn't much but it is definitely more than what we have now."

Daryl nods. "Alright, I will go get the group and bring 'em back here. You and Judith hold down the fort."

I follow him to the door when he stops and turns back to me and Judith. He looks like he is about to say something but stops himself. I take my free hand and pull him to me and wrap him into a hug. "Be safe." I mumble in his leather vest.

"Don't worry about me." He whispers as he pulls back.

Unexpectedly Judith yanks my ponytail and I cry out in pain. "Owwwuch." Her hand is tangled up in my hair and she can't get it out. I grit my teeth and squeeze my eyes shut. I hear Daryl chuckle and I am instantly irritated. I open one eye and glare at him. "A little help here?" He doesn't say anything as he just smiles and frees Judith's hand from my hair. "Thank you." I say still a little annoyed.

"Y'welcome." His smile fades as his hand moves from the end of my ponytail to my cheek. Judith is squirming in my arms but all I can focus on is the callused hand rubbing my face. It feels so good, I want to close my eyes and lean my head further into his hand, but I don't. I don't do anything. I can't speak. I just stare into those ocean blue eyes trying to figure what on earth brought this on. Suddenly, he drops his hand to my shoulder, leans in to me, I hold my breath and freeze. He kisses my forehead and says, "Be back soon." And just like that is gone. 

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