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I take in the scenery as I drive home. The sun has set and everything has that blue tint to it now. We see Alexandria's gate ahead. Just next to it where the watchtower once stood tall there's nothing there 'cept broken wood. The top of the tower is downed along with a portion of the wall. We can hear the groans as we drive up to the gate slowly. Through the downed section, I can see walkers everywhere. My chest tightens at the sight. Beth is in there somewhere, surrounded by all that. I gotta find her. I know that this tightness in my chest will only go away once she's back in my arms and I know she's okay.

"We're too late." Glenn says sadly pulling me from my thoughts.

"Who's that?" Sasha points to a silhouette at the top of the watch perch by the wall. It's clear whoever is up there is having a hard time staying upright. The walkers are making the perch move and rock back and forth.

As we approach, our headlights are finally close enough to reveal the person. "Maggie." Glenn says with an icy edge to his voice. Seeing her up there confuses me. Why is Maggie up there? Is the baby okay? Why isn't she with Beth? Where is Beth?

I slow the truck down as we approach the gate. A plan flows out of me quickly as I bark out orders. "Glenn, get Maggie, Abraham and Sasha, y'all cover him."

No one argues or hesitates. Just before we come to a complete stop, Glenn rushes out to help his wife. Abraham and Sasha climb up on the truck and start shooting. In less than a minute, I see Maggie and Glenn reunited and can hear Abraham hollerin' above me. "Can ya get the gate? Thanks pal."

A second later the gate opens up and I pull the truck up just enough to get us inside. In the side mirror, I watch a small figure pull the gate closed. The short hair gives her away. Carol. She climbs into the cab with me. I look at her and nod, pleased to see her still alive. "What the hell happened?"

"The tower fell and the herd got in. Everyone's been holed up in their houses for hours. Hiding." She says as she tries to catch her breath.

"What're ya doin' out here?" I ask.

"Saw them trying to get to Maggie. I was trying to help. Glad ya came when ya did."

I nod. Why would Beth let Maggie go out there alone? Maybe she wasn't with Maggie when the tower fell. But if she wasn't with Maggie then where the hell was she? Then the passenger door opens again and Maggie and Glenn squish themselves into the truck. "Daryl! I'm so glad you're safe. Where's everyone else?"

Glenn coughs. "It's just us."

She looks sad and then worried. "Beth and Aaron aren't with you?"

Her question is like a punch in the gut. Anger courses through me. "Why the hell would they be with us?"

Maggie looks ashamed as she says. "Her and Aaron left earlier today, before the tower fell, to go look for you."

Her words are another punch to the gut. Beth left to find me? Damn stubborn woman. She was supposed to be here. To be safe. That's what she and I agreed to!

"And you let her go?!" I shout at her.

"Hey." Glenn says softly but I know it's a warning to back off. "We can't worry about them now. We gotta warn Rick about the Wolves."

I hate that he's right. I shouldn't be yellin' at a pregnant woman and the thought of Beth being out there somewhere looking for us when we're right here kills me. But the truth of the matter is she's safer out there than in here. And at least she ain't alone. Aaron's with her. The realization of it all makes relief wash over me.

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