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The gate of Alexandria looms over us like my old man used to after he would beat us. He'd stand there and wait for us to challenge him again by simply moving. Once he saw complete surrender, he'd back down. The wall is impressive. But it's just a damn wall. They ain't even guardin' it properly. Aaron and Eric seem decent enough but they don't have the edge of someone who has lived on the road. The rest of the people here are probably the same. I steal a quick look at the tower. At least they got someone mannin' that.

My eyes fall on Beth beside me. She's carefully observin' jus' like the rest of us. A combo of nerves and hope are practically radiatin' off the group. Terminus is no doubt heavy on e'eryone's minds. Beth and Noah seem jittery too. The hellhole they escaped from was a doozy too from what Beth said. Comin' here was a big leap of faith for all of us. But if it is what Aaron says it is, then it could be a good thing.

We're almost to the gate when somethin' scurries in the grass right beside me. I immediately aim my bow, find my target and shoot. It's a damn possum. I pick it up by the tail as the gate screeches open. I turn in the direction of the noise. I see Beth lower her crossbow. She was ready. That's my girl. My eyes linger on her thin, lean frame. The sight she makes with that crossbow is enough to give a man a heart attack. She looks so damn good. The screechin' stops and my focus shifts to the man behind the gate. He is a curly haired prick who looks completely terrified. I fight the urge to roll my eyes.

Better start makin' friends, baby brother.

"Brought dinner." I attempt to joke. I know I ain't funny but maybe it is 'nough to make nice with the guy.

Aaron and Eric push forward and call the prick, Nicholas. One look at him up close and I can tell he is squirrelly. Shifty. Not to be trusted. He has the balls to tell us go turn in our weapons but thankfully Aaron shuts that shit down fast. He takes us to meet the hefer in charge of the place. Deanna. She used to work in politics or some shit like that. I's only half listening when Aaron was explaining who she is. I's too focused my surroundings. The houses are big, new and fancy. Before, these houses would probably sell for more money than I and Merle could make in 20 years.

The residents gather outside and watch us walk up to Deanna's house. Their eyes on us make my skin crawl. The sound of the gate closing puts me even more on edge. I look back just in time to see it close completely. It feels like we're wild animals that were just caught in a trap. Caged in. With the Alexandrains watching us, it feels like we're monkeys on display at the zoo or somethin'. I hate it.

Beth nudges my elbow and I look down at her. Her face is thoughtful and her eyes are knowin'. She gives me a small, encouragin' smile. I do my best to return it. The group sits on Deanna's porch waitin' to be interviewed or audition or whatever. Rick goes first. Rather than focus on the people watching us, I focus on Beth. She calms me. She always has. I never realized it until we escaped the prison together. She has this way about her that jus' puts people at ease. She gets it from her Daddy. Herschel was always like that. Might be her carin' and kind nature that makes you want to lower all your defenses when around her. Whatever it is, I don't even think she is aware of her affect on others. Her affect on me.

The porch is small, so we're all on top of each other. I'm sandwiched between Glenn and Beth. I used to hate anyone touchin' me. Still do unless it's Beth. She's pressed up to my right side at the moment cleaning the dirt from under her nails. I should probably do the same. The ring on her finger glistens. I still can't believe she agreed to marry me, for real. I overheard Aaron say they got a church here. Maybe we could have a real weddin'. Merle would say I'm a pussy for even thinkin' about somethin' like that but I don't care. Beth deserves to have a weddin' day if she wants one. Hell, maybe I want one too. I'm realizin' lately I want a lot things I never used to. Marriage, for one. Another bein' kids. When Beth mentioned wantin' kids, I'd never thought about it before. And jus' like when I started thinkin' about bein' married to her and imaginin' what that would be like, I thought about what havin' kids with her would be like. The more I think about it. The more I want that kind of life. As I look around this place, I know we could have it here. Problem is... I don't know if I fit in here.

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