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That night seemed so long ago now. Once my mother took her final breath. The man grabbed me, I later found out that his name as Aeron Black. He was the King of the Rogues. My father had told me about him before.

His previous Alpha chose his cousin Lucian over him to be the next Alpha and ever since, he had been making his own pack with other rogues.

He was an evil man.

That night, he dragged me from my parents' dead bodies and took me to a building in no man's land. It was a part of the wood that no one was allowed to enter, nor did anyone dare to. Everyone knew than no man's land was home to the rogues.

Once they bought me there, they took their frustrations out on me. They hated packs and Alpha's and me being the Alpha's daughter, they revelled in the fact that I was their new play thing.

I did everything for them.

They abused me and tormented me. They kept me locked in a cage, limiting the possibilities I had to escape. I spent eight years in that hell hole. 8 years of captivity, never seeing the sun. Never being able to shift to my wolf form unless directed by them.

They allowed me to shift but only to be involved with fights. They bet against me and others, I was the only one who survived considering I was of Alpha blood. Pure Alpha blood. I had to fight others who were taken against their will.

I had to take their lives to save my own.

Over the last few months before I had escaped, I tried conserving as much energy as possible. I found this difficult considering the fights they made us do. I guess it was good in some sense considering my wolf was getting stronger. My wolf was getting stronger mentally and physically despite the constant abuse.

As I tried conserving my energy, me and my wolf constructed a plan to escape.

Then like clockwork, Dean, Aeron's fake beta stumbled into the basement. Drunk as usual, he used the rusty key that he kept tied around his neck, he pulled the lanyard over his neck and unlocked my cage. I felt my wolf get tense as he climbed into the cage with me.

As he came closer, panting, I could smell the putrid smell of alcohol that lingered on his breath. His coordination and my wolf signalled.

This was it.

This was my chance to escape. I crawled backwards until my back hit the cool steel bars of the cage. He reached his hand out and grabbed the light slip I was wearing and pulled it. I struggled against him and pushed him into the bars beside me.

As he fell to the side and groaned, I dove out of the cage and kicked the door shut.

I panted as Aeron started to sober up, realising what I had done. Within seconds of staring at each other, both our eyes darted to the key that was on the floor. As Dean went to grab the key, I quickly punched him in the nose and grabbed the key before putting it around my neck and backing away from the cage.

Dean's head was waving, he was still drunk but he was angry.

I looked around for the exit, feeling my heart begin to race. I ran up the steps, cringing at each one that made a sound.

As I got to the top of the stairs, I slowly opened the door. I could hear the television playing in the next room. My werewolf hearing helped in deciphering where the other rogues were. They were in the living room and some were upstairs.

I swiftly darted through the kitchen and out the door.

As the sun hit my skin, I felt my body tense. My eyes burned from the sun light. It had been so long since going into the basement, only being let out of my cage to shift and fight and please the rogues.

I was eleven years old when I was taken into the basement and once I had escaped, it was eight years later. I was nineteen and finally free.

I wriggled my toes as they felt the cool grass between them.

I almost laughed at how much I had craved to feel the grass under my bare feet. My wolf urged me to run so I did. I took off running through the woods, using any energy I had left.

After running for what felt like hours, I stopped to catch my breath.

My wolf begged me to go on but I couldn't.

Suddenly, I remembered my mother's last words to me. 'Be Brave, me strong. I love you. Remember, me and your father are always with you. Never stop fighting.' The last words echoed in my head.

'Never stop fighting.'

It was like I heard my mother's voice in my head and it gave me the strength to go on.

I kept running as fast as I could, my wolf giving me some of her strength. The cool air hit my barely covered skin and the stinging nettles whipped at my bare legs, sending burning tingles up and down my legs.

Despite the pain, I didn't care.

I was finally free and away from that horrible place.

After many hours of running, I collapsed from the exhaustion.

My wolf was tired and couldn't share her energy with me anymore. I knew we had come into another pack territory. I was scared but knowing I was in no man's land anymore gave me some solace.

I slumped against a tree and finally allowed my eyes to close.

My wolf screamed into my head, waking me up.

I flinched as I saw a large man standing above me. His facial features were sharp. His bright green eyes glared at me. I tried crawling away but had the tree behind me, prohibiting me any route for escape, not that I could.

"What do you want rogue?" He spat.

I looked down and whimpered, I didn't like being called a rogue.

I didn't respond to him and I didn't think that I could. After that night, I didn't utter a word. I wasn't sure what would happen if I ever spoke.

I didn't even know what my voice sounded like.

In that place, making noises never served any purpose. I was to be seen and not heard. For their pleasure. I was to be silent, only making noises that the rogues wanted to hear.

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