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I chuckled before a voice interrupted me.

"Well. I came looking for an Alpha and I have found an Alpha and a Queen."

Both me and Exodus darted our heads to the side to see men approaching from the distance. I growled as did Exodus as he stood in front of me protectively.

The man stopped and sniffed the air before groaning and rolling his eyes back.

"Not just any Queen, one in heat." He groaned.

The other men laughed and I felt myself tense up. My wolf was frightened, as they got closer I recognised all of them. They were Aeron Black's men.

Exodus growled louder, pushing me behind him further.

"Leave now and no one has to get hurt." Exodus warned, glaring at them. They looked between each other and laughed. "No pretty boy. You mess with us and now you will be hurt." He snickered making my wolf growl.

"Where is Aeron Black?" I growled.

Exodus looked back at me and his brows furrowed before turning back to hear their response. "Hm. He has taken to the seas. He doesn't like being hunted down by mutt Alpha's." Dean laughed.

He was Aeron's right handed man and took part in a lot of the abuse.

"I have a proposition. Give me the 'Queen' and we shall leave you alone forever." Dean smirked. My skin crawled as I looked to Exodus who placed his arm back to reassure me.

"Over my dead body."

"That can be arranged. Our pleasure." Dean laughed along with the other rogues and shifted to his wolf form, tearing his clothes.

I jumped back as one by one they all shifted. I mind linked the two warriors to come and help and they sprinted over in their wolf forms.

"Sammy I am going to need your help. Send everyone, the rogues are here." I shouted during the mind link.

"Don't worry. I had a feeling, we are in a convoy of cars heading towards you. We are ten minutes away. We are speeding. Stay safe." He replied.

I sighed a breath of relief. For once, I was relieved that he didn't listen to me.

Exodus growled and shifted to his wolf form as I stepped backwards. "Exodus, I mind linked Sammy. Everyone is ten minutes away, you just need to make sure you fight." I urged through the mind link.

"Of course. I will die protecting you. I just need you to get away from here." He replied. I was a distraction. I couldn't turn, it would make the heat worse and attract their wolves.

I stepped back and ended up against the wall of the house.

Exodus and my pack warriors went for the rogues. Biting and snarling at them, we were outnumbered but they were stronger. Exodus launched himself for a rogue that leapt at him and managed to clamp his jaw around the rogue and bite until it snapped.

He dropped the rogue's lifeless body to the floor and his wolf licked his muzzle.

He turned back to face me to give a reassuring nod as another rogue leapt for him. "Exodus." I screamed, the wolf had bitten down on Exodus' shoulder and despite shaking his body vigorously, the wolf remained latched to him.

I looked at the other wolves and saw that they were busy fighting the other rogues as more emerged from the shadows.

"Vera. Don't even think about it. I'm fine." Exodus warned.

He was my mate and I needed to help him.

I shook my head and smiled softly before allowing my body to shift. My clothes tore as my bones morphed and I came into my fluffy white wolf. I looked cuddly but I was dangerous and aggressive.

Once my wolf had formed, all wolves stopped and stared at me.

I felt as if I was a mouse and I had just walked into a room full of hungry lions.

They licked their muzzles as their eyes fixated on me. Exodus was able to pull himself from the rogue and bite into his neck, breaking it.

"Vera. Run." Exodus shouted.

I did as I was told as I leapt away, multiple rogues following on after me. As I was running, one of them jumped and bit into my leg, making me fall to the ground.

I swiftly turned back with my mouth open ready to bite back.

I bit into one of the rogues legs, making him back off as the three rogues began circling me. They taunted disgusting thoughts into my head, trying to throw me off.

I looked passed them to see Exodus still fighting hard.

I crouched down and leapt into the air and landed on one of the rogue's backs. As the other two went to jump for me, I leapt again causing them to bite their friend.

He whimpered and barked at them before eyes turned back to me.

Exodus killed his opponent and raced over towards me and began attacking the other rogues. He began attacking one of them as the other approached me.

He leapt for me and caught my shoulder in his teeth and bit down hard.

I was in heat which made me weaker.

That was when the cavalry had arrived.

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