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That night, after leaving the note, I climbed out of the window and left. I didn't belong there anymore and I knew it. I ran through the woods for a while before going onto the road. When a car arrived, I held my thumb up to flag them down.

After a few cars had passed and ignored me, one stopped.


They pulled over and rolled down their window. I went over and noticed that it was an older man and an older lady.

"You okay sweetie? Not safe for you out here all alone?" the older lady said, leaning over her husband who was at the steering wheel. I nodded slightly and smiled, tucking my hair behind my ear.

It then began to rain.

"Oh darling, hop in." The nice old man said.

I smiled at them both before opening the back passenger door and sliding in. I was still unable to utter a word, which annoyed me.

The old lady turned around in her seat and smiled at me. "Where are you headed?" she asked. Truth was, I didn't know. "Sweetheart, can you speak?" the lady asked, I turned back to her and frowned and shook my head before tapping my throat.

She smiled softly and gazed down to my chest. I was still wearing a vest top with a large jumper over the top but you still could see a large scar poking out from the top of it.

I was just on the edge of Exodus' territory and I just wanted to get away.

I had no destination in mind.

I gently shrugged my shoulders, looking out of the window. She smiled and nodded before looking at her husband. He raised his shoulders and brows before driving off.

The couple were incredibly sweet. They spoke about how they were visiting their children and grandchildren off in some village. Fortunately for me, I was able to catch a ride with them.

We passed another pack territory, I could've stopped there and asked to be included into their back but I knew if Exodus was going to come looking for me, I had to go a lot further than 100 miles.

So, that was what I did.

I travelled with the Coleman's as far as they went. It gave me 150 miles head start from Exodus. When they stopped, they dropped me off at a bus station. Throughout the journey, they stopped and bought meals for me and got me new clothes. I didn't tell them anything about my past other than the fact that I was an orphan and I was homeless.

Once they had gotten to the village, they dropped me off and handed me some money. I tried to refuse but they insisted. I hugged them both and thanked them for practically saving my life that night.

Then, there I was, standing alone at the bus station. There were many busses, heading in different directions but at the time, I didn't know where to go.

As I stood looking at the map of the bus routes, a presence came up behind me.

Instinctually, I turned, grabbed the person by the throat and held them against the wall with the map on. I growled lowly and shocked myself.

My wolf instincts kicked in, this wasn't me.

"Wow, easy killer." The voice came.

He was a werewolf, I sensed that. Once, common sense kicked in, I let him go.

I retracted my hand from his neck and bowed with a panicked look in my eye.

He laughed, rubbing his neck. "You have fire, I like that. You smell like a rogue, but don't seem like one. Where are you from?" he asked.

I looked down and frowned.

"Where are you headed?" he asked.

I shrugged my shoulders and turned back to the map. "Hey, why don't you come with me." He said, I turned back to face him and thought for a second.

I furrowed my brows and tilted my head.

I could tell that I could trust him but I still had to be precautious. "My name is Sammy. What is your name?" He asked.

I still remained silent but put my finger up to the wall and began tracing out the letters of my name which he spoke aloud.

"Genesis." He said and I nodded.

He shook my hand and smiled.

"See, we aren't strangers anymore. We are friends. What do you say?" I laughed at his boldness.

I nodded and followed him.

"My sister is a Luna in a pack around here, I was just visiting her." He said before stopping at a large black range rover. He opened the door for me and watched as I tried climbing up.

The car was quite high up and I was a bit short. Due to the lack of vitamin D, I was a bit below average with my growth.

I didn't look very womanly.

After climbing into the car, Sammy went round and got into the driver's seat before taking off.

"I'm from Alpha Moon pack."

I almost gasped, I had heard of this pack before. My father was close friends with the Alpha and Luna.

His face saddened.

"I know what you must be thinking, I am rather young to be the beta of the royal wolf pack. My parents were murdered by rogues a year ago, once they died, I assumed their beta position." I felt my heart constrict.

Why was he so accepting of me, I thought. If he thought that I was a rogue.

The rest of the journey was spent with him telling me all about his life. He genuinely seemed like a nice person. He still hadn't met his mate and assumed that I hadn't met mine.

After 50 minutes of driving, we arrived at the pack palace.

It was beautiful, I had only ever dreamed of visiting this place as a young child with my family. My father often came here to speak with the King and Queen but being a young child, I was never allowed to attend.

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