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*Genesis POV*

Yeah, Exodus had offended me. But, the reason why I was so angry is because I was still covering up a secret.

After my run, I went inside and took a shower before hearing a knock at my door.

I groaned and stepped out of the shower before wrapping a robe around my sudsy body. I still had bubbles on my chest.

I opened the door slightly to see him.


"Come in." I said before having a chance to think.

He came in and shut the door before looking me once over and turning away, his face going red. My wolf howled at me.

I was feeling myself heat up.

This couldn't have been worse timing.

My heat decided to make an appearance. Exodus could obviously sense it, making matters worse.

"I'm sorry. I didn't meant to interrupt. I came to apologise for this morning." He said, still avoiding looking at me. I tried to fight against the heat and the desire but I was failing miserably.

He could tell I was in heat and he desired that but with me feeling the mate bond, it was almost impossible for me to show restraint.

"All is forgiven. Alpha." I hummed seductively.

I stalked closer to him, placing my hand on my chest over the soap, while staring up at Exodus. "Good to hear. I guess I will leave." He said, turning to face the door.

He was fighting.

I definitely wasn't.

I went closer and pressed myself against him and tilted my head. "You don't have to leave. We can talk if you'd like." I murmured.

Within seconds, he growled and grabbed me before slamming me against the wall.

His forehead leant against mine and I began to pant with a grin on my face.

"Stop. Why are you enjoying this?" he growled.

I remained silent but arched my back slightly as he pulled me forwards and slammed me again, making me groan.

"If you're in heat, it means there is a mate out there for you. Why are you messing with me like this? You are tormenting me." He roared.

"I'm not messing with you. It isn't my fault you came to my room while I was naked and vulnerable." I returned.

"I'm sorry that was my mistake." He said, releasing me.

"Maybe it wasn't." I said, stepping closer ready to tell him the truth. He growled lowly before falling to his knees and sobbing.

My heart broke for him.

I had been selfish in keeping this a secret. It was hurting him as well as hurting me. "Exodus, please stop crying. Look at me." I asked.

"No. I need to leave." He said, getting up and storming out before I could say anything. I groaned. I couldn't run after him, every unmated male would sense me and some wouldn't be strong enough to fight their urges.

I trusted my pack, but I wasn't sure about Alpha Exodus' pack.

I turned back to my bed and went over and climbed into it in an attempt to soothe the ache of heat. Being near Exodus only made it worse.

I quickly dozed off and woke the next morning to knocking at my door. "Seriously, I am on the top floor for a reason." I groaned, throwing back the covers and heading toward the door.

As I opened the door, Sammy was standing there with a panicked look on his face.

I held my robe closed at the top before asking, "Hey. Sammy are you alright?"

"It's Alpha Exodus. He left last night and went back to his pack territory. Alone." Sammy warned. I slammed the door shut before grabbing my clothes on and leaving my hair down for the first time since they had come to our pack.

I quickly slid on some sports leggings and a sports jumper and my trainers before running out the door and passed Sammy who raced after me.

I raced out of the pack house and down the steps towards my car.

"Vera. Where are you going? You're in heat. You shouldn't be going anywhere, it isn't safe." Sammy said rushing after me.

"He has gone off by himself. He is upset. I need to go and tell him that he is my mate and everything will be alright. It's my fault he has run off." I said, opening the car door and climbing inside.

Sammy came over and knocked on the window so I opened it.

"Don't talk me out of it." I ordered.

"No. I am glad you are going after him. I will come with you." He said, going to move to get in. "No. I need you here to make sure no one destroys the house. If I need you, I will call for you."

"But we will take us four hours to get to you." Sammy whined.

"Trust me." I urged before driving off.

I sped all the way to the pack house, took me just under four hours and once I had arrived, my two pack warriors were standing guard.

As I pulled up them, I rolled the window down and they bowed.

They both were unmated and clearly felt uncomfortable with my presence. "Sorry boys. You are doing great, I am looking for Alpha Exodus." I said, rolling the window up leaving a slight crack.

"He parked his car and went into the gardens on the far south side." Wilkins said, pointing in the direction of where he went. I nodded to them as I drove up to the pack house. I quickly got out and began walking around.

With the lack of families and noise, this place seemed creepy and abandoned.

As I came into the garden, I saw Exodus in the garden sitting on a bench. I sighed and went over to him and placed my hand over his arm. His eyes shot to mine and I smiled softly to him. "Why did you leave?" I asked, sitting down next to him.

"I cannot do this anymore." He said, dropping his head into his hands.

I rubbed his back soothingly. "Can't do what?" I asked. "Everything. I'm broken. I have alienated everyone. I'm not the Alpha my father was and I am not the mate he was either. My pack regret having me as an Alpha. I am not strong, don't think I have ever been strong. My mate, the one thing in the world that was mine completely, I have lost." He said sniffing.

"Alpha. I wouldn't have taken you to be the one throwing a pity party." I laughed. He laughed softly before sitting up and looking over at me. His eyes then widened before looking around. "What on earth are you doing here? You're in heat. You shouldn't be out of the house." He said, concerned.

"I had to come and find you." I said obviously.

"You shouldn't have. You are risking your life being here. We need to get you back at once." He said getting to his feet and grabbing my hand.

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