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Harry's POV

I sat down in the living room talking to my sister's fiancé. His name was Luke Hemmings. He was a decent lad from Australia that moved here to attend college. He met Gem in college 2 years ago and they hit it off nicely apparently. He proposed a few months ago and then they had a little baby boy.

Speaking of him, he was asleep in my arms as I conversed with his father. He was a cute little thing. Very quiet and closed off during the day but he was as loud as a hawk in the night. The boy was like an owl. Hardly there in the morning but fully awake at night.

Gem sat next to Luke on the other couch as mother took Theo from my arms to lay him in his cot. I spread my arms around the back of the couch as we smiled and laughed. My mother sat next to me and joined the conversation.

"So Harold. Met any women" Gem asked. My smile dropped and the room went silent.

"Yes actually" I quietly said.

"Oh Haz, I didn't mean t—"

"No it's okay Gem" My smile returned to my face as I talked about Aria.

"You guys would've liked her actually. She was a tough girl" I added.

"Well, I'm sure she made you very happy" My mum pitched in.

"Yes she did" I said. Gemma and mum sensed my discomfort and decided to change the topic, but not entirely.

"Well, there's actually a new girl that just moved here a couple of days ago. She's here for a job, I think. Spends a lot of time at the docks." My mother chimed.

"Oh yes. She's a wonderful girl, very beautiful. I think you'd like her Harry" Gemma agreed.

"Guys. I don't need a girlfriend" I said as I stood up to clear the mugs of tea on the table.

"We know love but we think she'd be a nice lady for you to meet" My mum said.

"No mum, I'm really ok" I said, getting a little annoyed. Mum and Gemma always tried to set me up with 'nice girls'. Why did I think it would be any different now?

"Well she's coming over for lunch" Gemma yelled from the living room.

I groaned.



The doorbell chimed as I sat in the living room. I was wearing 'something nice' picked out by Gemma.

It was just a casual summer shirt with blue patterns on it with black jeans that weren't ripped.

"She's here" Mum chirped. I rolled my eyes and Luke laughed at my irritation.

"She can't be that bad mate" His Australian accent floating through the air. I grunted in disapproval.

"Harry, meet Aria" I turned around and froze.


Aria's POV

What the fuck is he doing here? I looked into his green eyes and he looked into mine. We both froze not knowing what to do.

"Nice to meet you Harry" I said through gritted teeth, faking a smile. I put my hand out and he shook it.

"The pleasure's mine" he smiled and it annoyed me that his was actually genuine. I could read this man like a book and I could sense his delight. I gripped his hand tightly as he continued to shake my hand. I pulled it away trying to hide my disinterest as much as possible.

"Harry is my son and here is Luke, Gemma's fiancé"

Oh well that makes more sense. Now I look like the idiot. I just had to befriend his mother and sister, move to his hometown and then accept this lunch invitation, didn't I.

Fuck my life.

I shook Luke's hand and then sat down on the couch next to him. I indulged in a conversation with him as much as I could. I felt Harry's burning gaze on my skin but I refused to acknowledge him.

It was only when Luke dismissed himself that I finally looked at Harry.

He was smirking and looking at me. I glared at him.

"Aria, we have a lot to talk about" He said quietly, the smirk dropping form his lips completely.

"Do we? The only business I have with you is shoving a knife down your throat for betraying me" I said nonchalantly while sipping my coke.

He rolled his eyes.

"I didn't do it voluntarily, you have to believe me baby" He pleaded.

I put my hand up to silence him.

"First of all, do not call me baby. You lost that right when you handed me to Nigel on a silver platter. Secondly, if you really were 'on my side' then you would've helped me break out of the dungeon that I was stuck in for 5 days" I angrily said. I kept my voice low, making sure not to feed any listening ears, unwanted information.

"5 fucking days Harry" I whisper-yelled.

"I know ok. But I couldn't do it when Nigel was still there. I promise you, when you saw me in the hallway I was coming to rescue you but then I heard gunshots and knew you already broke out" He said sincerely.

Like I said, I was trained to sniff out liars. It was a part of my job in the mafia. Interrogation was my thing. But his words were dripping with sincerity and being the hormonal, mad woman I am, I hated him that bit more for always being right.

"Fuck you" I muttered.

His smirk returned to his stupid but attractive face.

"You know I'm telling the truth" He smirked.

"Yeah whatever, don't get cocky" I said as I sipped from my can. His grin widened at my words.

"Stop smiling. Dickhead" I muttered and he chuckled. I got up from my seat, walking into the kitchen to help Anne and escape this conversation.

As I left the living room, I think I heard him mutter "Angry, little princess", and that made me smile. Just a little bit, but it worried me more. Because I didn't want to give in too easily. Fucking love.

sweet & brutal || h.s ✔️Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin