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Short chapter sorryy

Aria's POV

The same thoughts and questions ran through my mind as I entered my apartment, brushed my teeth, changed my clothes and lay in bed. My mind was going wild with unanswered questions, drawing conclusions and answers myself because I wasn't provided with any.

I sighed and turned over, facing my bedside table. The clock read 2:13. I pondered over what to do with these questions. I was restless and my body ached to get out of bed and go ask the questions myself.

After a while I was fed up and decided to just ask the questions. I dragged myself out of bed and walk down the hallway. My steps were the only noise that sounded. I reached his door and knocked once. I heard a soft "come in" and I entered, closing the door behind me. Harry was lying down shirtless in bed, throwing a ball into the air. His toned torso glinted in the moonlight.

"Couldn't sleep either" his deep voice floated through the air.

"Nope" I answered.

His eyes scanned my body and he smirked.

"Nice pyjamas"

I looked down to see what he was referring to and noticed I was wearing a black singlet and lengthy black pants with small tweedy birds on it.

"Oh shut up" I sat down on the left side of his bed.

"No I actually like it. It's...sexy"

I smiled and lay down on his bed.

We both stared at the glow in the dark stars on the ceiling in thought. After a while I couldn't take it any longer. I had to ask.


"Yes" He hummed.

"Why did you help me back there?"

"I guess I just couldn't let your pretty little face be covered in bullet holes"

I chuckled.

"Why did you come back though...I mean you could've ran while you had the chance? Rat to the Savages, start a war. I don't know"

He was silent for a while and I thought he wasn't going to answer but then he did.

"I didn't like life with the Savages. I mean I did sacrifice my singing career for it and everything but I just wasn't happy. Plus everyone there sucks at fighting. I learnt all my abilities from lessons with actual trainers. You'd think the third best mafia would have fighters to train the new members' right?"

He laughed and I joined in a few seconds later.

"It's just, I don't know. Being with you is actually fun and I know that sounds weird and wrong because I'm a prisoner in your home, but it really doesn't feel like that. It feels like we're two friends on a vacation away from our stressful lives, just having fun. I mean you're so carefree and tough, you're way better that my other friends...You just make me feel like I don't want to return to my old life."

By the time he had finished speaking we were both facing each other and closer than before. We were so close he had started whispering towards the end.

It was like we were both stuck in a trance where any logical thoughts vanished from our minds and the only thing we could see was each other. We inched closer and inevitably our lips touched.

Our mouths moved slowly against each other. His lips rolled against mine. It was passionate and in that moment I didn't feel sparks or anything magical like all the movies portray. I felt happy. Which is actually a real emotion people. I felt happy as he wrapped an arm around my waist and brought me closer. I smiled into the kiss and he did too.

Eventually we had to pull away for air but we still stayed glued together, catching our breath and staring into each other's eyes. But like all good moments, this one had to end as the logical side of our brains slowly made contact with our senses and we pulled away.

"I'm going to go back to my room now" I hastily got up, fixing my hair and rubbing my arms.

"Um, yeah" he said back.

I walked to his door.

"Goodnight Harry" I smiled

"Goodnight Aria" he said.

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