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Harry's POV

I could feel myself warming up to Aria. It was like my façade of being Fake Friend Harry was fading to being just, Harry. When I overheard her phone call, going over the plan of the ball something didn't feel right. So I looked into it, hacked into her computer and got in touch with some personal sources I have. I hacked into Martin's phone log and heard him talking to Dominic's head of security, completely spilling the secret of the cake.

I don't know why but I had an indescribable urge to break out of the house and run and protect Aria. Even though she is highly skilled and doesn't need protection I still felt this dominance over her. I could still sense good in her.

"For your eyes only..."

Although I didn't know what it meant to her and what ran through her mind when she chose to permanently ink the phrase on her skin. I still felt like on some level I knew what it meant. She was so tough, cold and dominant on the outside but when she was home with me, she was fun, carefree and partially nice. It was like the phrase meant that only certain people could see her true self.

I mean I didn't doubt that she was not brutal or tough on the inside but I felt like among those negative traits were positive ones like caring and kind. Traits that her business contacts don't see. She was like two wolves. One wolf was kind and caring and then the other one was ruthless and mean but in the end they balanced each other out.

But I still felt like there was something missing. Like a huge part of her personality was just not there. There was something that made her who she was. She was not a murderer but she still murdered people. She performed deeds a criminal would, but she wasn't a criminal. There was just something missing and I made it my goal to figure out.

Aria Blair Watson, what are you hiding?


Aria's POV

I tried to keep it normal with Harry despite the fact that we kissed last night, so I showered like normal and dressed myself in black ripped shorts and a white crop top with the graphic of a gun. I cooked some pancakes and lay them with syrup and butter.

Harry walked out a few minutes later with damp hair and his normal attire, black jeans and a white shirt.

He quickly noticed my clothing and shook his head.

"You know, if I was a police officer on the street, I definitely wouldn't be suspicious of you. 100% can't tell you work in a mafia. Good job" He sarcastically stated and gave me a thumbs up. I scoffed.

He took his plate and murmured a quiet 'thanks' and say in his seat without a word.

"What are you doing today?" He broke the silence as he cut his pancake into pieces.

"Looking for houses and then clubbing tonight. You?" I asked.

He looked at me if I was stupid and I quickly remembered. He's a hostage you idiot. In that moment I felt slightly bad for him. Poor guy was tied up here with nothing to do except watch TV, eat, shower countless times even though it isn't necessary and throw a ball at the wall. While I left the house a couple times a day to go party. I sighed.

"Do you want to go to the pool" I asked.

He looked at me with confusion and then nodded.

"Great, get ready. We'll leave in 10" I informed him and then put my dishes in the dishwasher and headed to my room to change. I changed into a black one piece monokini swimsuit and then covered it with a thin white robe, grabbed two towels and headed for the door. Harry came out of his room wearing yellow board shorts, leaving him shirtless.

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