Chapter 53 🌙 part 2

Start from the beginning

He has six different versions. The pein that I know, is spiky haired and intimidating. I've labeled him as main pein, he's my target right now. The other five are just creepier versions of him, though they all seem to be just as strong.

I've engaged in battle with three of them and I successfully got rid of two of the three, but I have yet to fight main pein. The reason for this being that he keeps on summoning a bunch of animals that look like they're sent from the depths of hell as distractors.

The remaining three are nowhere to be found, but I'm well aware that main pein is on top of that tower. Not only is he there, but he's controlling Karasu with his rinnegan. How? I have no clue.

I'm so uneducated on anything I'm dealing with right now. The rinnegan? I have no fucking idea as to what its capable of. Pein having six different bodies? Nope, I know nothing about that. Pein's reasoning for all of this? To my knowledge there is no damn reason.

Plus my lack of awareness really is unhelpful, but as I said before, my mind right now is so mangled, so unfocused, and so tortured, that I can't think straight and it shows in my fighting.

My first act of using chakra after so long was like a second nature, I brought my gloved hand up and signal a simple hand sign. A domed wooden structure then bursted from the ground, capturing both Isao and Shinji's fallen bodies and protecting them from the damage that would be done.

Using chakra felt so good, it felt alleviating, like cooling down a burned wound. Too bad I don't have the time to sit and actually enjoy the fact that I've regained my chakra.

My thoughts are ripped away form me when I giant puff of smoke arises in front of me. I click my teeth at this. Again?! Seriously?! How many fucking animal summonings do these Pein's have?!

I make a look of annoyance when I see a giant centipede emerge from the puff of smoke, it's orange color reminding me of the number one man on my hit list. It's eyes sport the rinnegan and I nearly recoil in disgust. I hate those eyes. I hate anything that has those eyes. If anything comes at me with those eyes, they're dead!

It lets out a terrifying screech then sets it's gaze on me. I watch as it's upper body bends backwards a bit then flings itself forwards, spitting out giants spheres of mucus. I cringe in disgust before channeling my chakra into the ground. Then, Giant chards of dark purple crystal arise from the ground in a speedy manner.

As a result the crystal works as a blockade against the mucus that the centipede attempts to attack me with. I narrow my eyes to slits and grab my katana, channeling loads of chakra into it so that it increases in size and strength. Time to kill this fucker.

I lean down the tiniest bit then jump upwards, using the vastly improved strength in my legs to get me to jump that high. I use my new wings to keep me up in the air as I glare determinedly at the centipede.

I lunge towards it while in midair, bringing my katana back and stabbing it right on the forehead beneath it's piercing.

I use more crystal to block myself from all the blood which pours from it's wound. I then grab the handle of my katana once more and channel an even greater amount of chakra into it, making the katana blade's crystal change into a giant T shape while still in the centipedes head.

I curl my lip in disgust as it dies and falls to the side, I remove my katana from it's head and turn back to the temple where Pein is. I glare determinedly, hopefully I won't get any more distractions.

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