Just something funny: Tobi's Special Brownies.

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"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" Kid screams of agony bounced of the walls. 

"Ahhh, fuck now we have two people who are having a mental breakdown." Hidan complains.

"The fuck is going on out here! I'm trying to concentrate on finishing my (name) puppet! Can a puppet master gave some peace and quiet!?"

Everyone turns their head towards the red-hair and started. 

"M-master Sasori, Why exactly were you making a (name) puppet?" Deidara asks. 

"Y-Yea, why did you?" (Name) says a shade of crimson on her face. 

"To support my deep puppet desires (name)". and like that he just left casually.


"Hidan! Shut the fuck up!"

"Sniff* my dangoooss..." (nuuuu Itachi I'll give you all my dangos!)🍡🍡🍡🍡🍡


"Tobi is back!" He exclaimed. Kakuzu stay with his arms crossed at the hideouts entrance.

"YenYen-Chan... NOW." 

"Sure thing Kakapoo!" He says giving him the piggy-bank and running into the base like his life depends on it. 

"Here guys!" I got some brownies!" He then takes the contents of the bag he held and placed it on the table. 

"TOBBBBBBIIIIIIIIIIIII! A loud voice boomed from the ends of the earth.

"Haha! Guys! I'll be back!" And like that he left. After a few grunts and tons of screaming Tobi somehow made it back alive.

"Tobi is back!" He says happily.

"Uh, where's Kakuzu-san?"

"Oh, somewhere where he'll be happy for eternity~... ANYWAY! I GOT BROWNIES!" 

After he said that Hidan grabbed the picnic basket that was on the table and took a huge bite of one of the contents inside.

"Yay! I love brownies!" Hidan says quite strangely. Suspicious...

Everyone took a bite of the brown pastry. 

"Wow! These are really good! Where did you get them from!" (Name) says.

"Tttthhhaaattttsss a secret!" He says giggling.

"Oh come on, please?" 


"I'll give you a kiss if you do!" 



Tobi was seant glares from the table as they continue to bite into their suspicious smelling brownie. 

(Name) walks over to Tobi and kisses his orange mask. He giggles after the touch. The members breathing a sigh of relief it wasn't  full-on kiss.

"Shame, not orange flavoured, so. Where did you get these?"

"A suspicous guy wearing a black hoodie on the side of the street!" He exclaims proudly.

Everyone stops eating immediately. 

"W-Wait- a suspicious guy on the street!" (Sorry I have no bloody clue what weed does to you)

"Yep! He also says this was the 'Good Shit' and I only want the best for my (name)-chan!"

There was an awkward silence, until a high-ass Kisame started to talk.

"Weellll,,, theee shhiiitt wwwAassss gggooooOd dough!" 

"Whhyyy dough? You know! Dough os grreeeettr! Dangos girrafe!" Itachi slurred.

"You know! This was actually some good shhhiiyyytttt TObi! Thankyou!" 

"You know what will be fuuunnnnyy?? Ya? If like someone summoned like a fucking kangaroo and shot!"


-Time fucking Skip-

Pein and Konan walk back to the base. They were all beat up and blood dropped out of their mouths. Peins shoulder was still on fire. 

"Konan are you fucking kidding me, all this shit for sparkly toilet-paper?"

"But, Peiny! It's sparkly and blue!" 

"Try wiping your ass with that shit!" 

"Oh, shut up." They walk back to the base and open the door.

"Hey guys were-" and in front of them, they see (name) in a toilet paper dress while Itachi was wearing chopped up Akatsuki cloak. Rose-petals were scattered all over the floor as kisame, hidan had their hair dyed a outstanding shade of yellow. Tobi was wearing a Akatsuki cloak painted in white while a toilet seat rested on his head.

"Will youuu, (name)-sama, marry Itachi weasel!"

"I du!"

"And will you! Itechi weasel, marry (name)-sama?"


"Ahhhhh, (name) how could you do this! 2 meeee! 2 oouuuusss! My children. Our chilweeennn" Deidara says under fake-but realish, sobs?

"Yea, mummy! Why?" Kisame says with fake tears.

"Becoooooz, I love Itachi and want to make 10,000 babies with him!"

"Let's do it now then!" 


They come together for a kiss, until Pein cock-blocked them. 

"What in the name of me is going on here!"

"Ah, it's Papa-Pein! Meet your new son, Ita-Ita!"

"S-son, why you little!" He was about to walk up to him until mama-Konan stopped. 

"Don't, sniff* it's beutiful, my baby girl. *sniff *sniff. Is getting married! *sniff *sniff!"

"Ahhh! First the toilet paper and now this bull shit! You know what?"


"No dont fucking do it!"





"Wah! Oh... it was just a stupid dream! Hehe!" (Name) says waking up. She looks around her surroundings to see a huge hole on the floor of the Akatsuki base while some toilet paper covered her cloak. She looks around again to see the hole that Pein made gave you full access to see Sasori continuing his 'project' while members lay unconscious around her. 

"Well, FU-"



Heya! So, I'm not good at making people feel negative emotions, so we have this shit-sack you call a story instead. 

Hope ya enjoyed! Please comment on what you want next plz. 

Falling in love with murderers ( Akatsuki x reader )Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon