2: Pretty girls.

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Melody Cunningham Pov

"What's with the hood, Mello?" I heard Sandra's voice from behind me before she bumped her shoulder with mine.

"Is this your new look?" Lenny asked bumping her shoulder with my other shoulder.

I scowled at the beige coloured floor of our school hallways before pulling the hood away from my face baring my face to them. Their eyes narrowed in unison with my action, scanning my face before chuckling.

"You ran out of paper to write?" Lenny asked dumbly.

"Who did this?" Sandra asked trying to control her calm demeanour. Before I could respond, she beat me to it. "Lemme guess, Jayden." She grinned widely when my face formed in a scowl at the mere mention of his name making Sandra laugh.

After I saw my face in the mirror this morning, I did everything I could do to wipe the writings from my face. But it wasn't easy, Mr. Jerk used a freaking marker on my face. After hours of scrubbing and washing my face with every soap and face wash I could find in the house, it somehow lighten the writings but it wasn't washed off completely.

If looked closely, it could easily be seen and make out what was written so I threw on a hood.

I ate my breakfast with my hood on and gave an excuse to my curious and amused looking parents that it was today's dress code for the three of us- Lenny, Sandra and I. They didn't question me further because well, the three of us used to do this a lot- have a dress code for a particular day or random days if we felt like it. Harper on the other hand, kept giggling and her giggles and chuckles continued till I dropped her to school.

The self control it took from me to not kick Harper out of the car, I needed an applause for that.

"You let him write all over your face?" Lenny asked seriously making both Sandra and I give her a deadpan look. As one could already make out, Lenny White was a little bit slow and a little bit on the weirder side which makes her all the more cute and lovable.

Noting our look, she chuckled awkwardly. "I guess not." She mumbled before asking. "So why didn't you fight back?"

"How was he able to write on your face?" Sandra McClan asked with a quirk of her perfectly shaped eyebrow. She was the epitome of sexy. Being the head cheerleader of our school, she got good grades, have a great personality, fashionable, easily likable and one of my best friends.

"I was sleeping." I grumbled, knowing I had to explain them everything.

Sandra checked her phone before saying. "We still got eight minutes before our first class starts, I'll help you cover it up with some concealer. Come on." She linked her one arm with mine and the other with Lenny before dragging us towards the ladies washroom.

On our way to the bathroom I saw Jayden with Brian and Ian talking among themselves. Jayden's head raised and his eyes landed on me, seeing my bare face as my hood was pulled back, he winked at me before screaming. "You've got a face of an angel, Music."

His loud obnoxious voice, made several heads to turn in my direction. My eyes widen at the attention and Jayden's clear intentions to embarrass me. "Don't look at me, you dipshits." I yelled at the students staring at me shamelessly before pulling my arms free and sprinting towards the bathroom.

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