Your Home is Your Paradise, Your Home is Your First Responsibiliy

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"From whom every family in heaven and on earth is named.”

Ephesians 3:15


There is no place like home, they say. A place where love blooms well,  fresh and sweet. Some people went away from home in hope that they can lavish their love ones with gifts to bring joy and satisfaction but went hope disappointed and exhausted. Going the distance from home in search of a better life can leave a trail of broken relationship. It gives us the emptiness of longing for personal association for home and family. Sometimes success and wealth are carried out at the expense of intimacy with our family.

Our physical presence is priceless to our love ones so we can run smoothly and embrace up each member of the family together in conformity. Trials and sufferings come in but the joy of togetherness strengthens our spirits in harmony and faith in God that we can deal with it. Love will make a home flourish in everything. Remember, no matter how difficult life becomes and despite of all the troubles, failures, humiliation and all the inevitable world of life - we still belong in a family.

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