Don't Make Yourself a Doormat to Walk On

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“There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus.”

Galatians 3:28


Speak out. You cannot always say yes even if it is against your will. You have to realize that you have all the valid reason to express yourself. To say something you deem right and justifiable. There are times you have to say NO even to the point it will upset or annoy somebody. You don't have to yield yourself to anyone else because you think they are rich, or more educated or more powerful than you are. They don't make any difference from you. Don't be afraid; say what you need to say. If you are too submissive, people will dominate and abuse you then you'll compromise your feeling, your safety, and your right because you have already give in. It is as simple as disempowering yourself.

There are times you need to disagree and you have to show it in every possible way you know. Disagreeing for a righteous cause can give you freedom. It is a healthy thing to do -so be happy about it.

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