Cuddle And Tickle a Baby

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"For behold, when the sound of your greeting came to my ears, the baby in my womb leaped for joy."

Luke 1:44


Have you ever imagined how happy parents are when their babies are born? Before they even wheeze their first breath you are extremely excited. You and everyone else around the baby seems to come rushing. Babies are said the best stress antidote. When they coo and giggle you start smiling. In spite of their helplessness and vulnerability they have the greatest power to take all your troubles.

A baby can calm you down, thrill you  and grant his every wish. Babies represent life. They are actually the most beautiful sight in the whole universe.Their innocence and incapability is a great example for you to follow suit to be free and happy and not to fret too much about tomorrow. Don't lose the opportunity to hold closely and fondly tickle a baby in your arms it will make a difference in your life.

BLISS - Joy In Harmony With GodOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora