Love, Respect and Honor Your Parents

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"Honor your father and mother"--which is the first commandment with a promise."

Ephesians 6:2


Your parents are glorious and wonderful creatures. They are God's ambassadors sent to take care of you. Most of the times you think they are killjoys because of their trainings and discipline they impose, but they just want everything to turn out right for you. Have you ever thought how hard their job is? They work, care and love for you without reprieve, no delays, no day-offs in sickness or health.

Their assignments never seem to get easier and simpler as you grow older. It’s a joyful delight for your Mom and Dad to care and love you even after you no longer seem to need them. Their affection is unconditional and they expect nothing in return from you. They might have mistakes and shortcomings to you because they are just like you - human. They can only imitate the image of the very One who sent them out to you.

You can never ever pay back your parents so never ever forget to do your responsibility to be devoted and respectful and it should not cease even when your own family is established. You are still to honor your parents who gave you the beginning of your existence.

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