Love Your Children and Be a Responsible Parent

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"Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it."

Proverbs 22:6


Your children are gifts from heaven and you are so lucky that you have. Some people were not given the chance to become parents so don't waste this wonderful chance and devote your energy and attention performing your duty and nurturing your kids. You are their greatest model and teacher so you have to build a positive relationship with them. Support them with all their needs. Give them paramount attention and care .Be proud to be identified with them.

 Teach them lessons to follow. Let them know your mistakes so that they will be able to deal with them when they make their own. Support and motivate your children in their chosen ambitions and acknowledge their achievements. Always be there for them for better or for worse, in shame or in praise, and assured them that you will never leave them no matter what even to the point that they no longer need you. Invest a great deal of time for your children so they will become disciplined and successful in the future.

 If you do your best as parent your children will develop confidence, faith and affection in your love.

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