Life is Sweat

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"She girdeth her loins with strength, and strengtheneth her arms."

Proverbs 31:17


Your body is your temple and nothing worthier than it. If you are not taking care of your body, how would you expect it to care for you either? Don't eat and sleep too much more that your body needs or too lazy to walk for a few miles a day. You  don't need to be a full time athlete, but you need some physical activities and self discipline. You have to get rid of those habits that will unshape and weaken your body because if you don't, you will make yourself degrade slowly and vulnerable to sickness.

You can look in good shape and feel good if you do the uncomfortable, so you can become comfortable. Regular exercise, eating the right diet and getting enough rest will serve you well for decades. If you keep your body fit you will experience a sense of liberty in your choices and mobility. Life is so frustrating when you cannot do what you want, but if you keep your body fit, it will give you the constant comforting energy to do things even beyond your expectation. It will certainly make you happy.

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