Learn The Lessons From The Ants

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“The plans of the diligent lead surely to abundance, but everyone who is hasty comes only to poverty.”

Proverbs 21:5


You might wonder what lessons could learn from these tiny bothersome insects. Though these creatures don't possess the power of the other mighty animals, they work very hard and save anything they could find. When the rainy season comes they don't have to be troubled about anything rather savors the feast of everything they have stocked in their chambers. If you work hard and save at the same time you are establishing a financial security that will save you during tough times.

By living thrifty and saving more than you are spending and spreading out your properties you are laying something aside for your future needs. Remember what you need in the future might exceed your today's needs. Some of the beggars you see on the streets were people who actually lived their lives as slaves of their wants and possessions. They failed to save thinking what they had cannot be exhausted.

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