Let It Go, So It Will All Gets Done

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“Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you.”

Ephesians 4:32


You were hurt. Somebody took advantage of your kindness, your weakness. It hurts even more when you recall what happened. The pain always gets deeper. You have been unfair to yourself. You have made yourself a prisoner of the person who hurt you. The only way to end your suffering and stop those who wronged you to whack you over and over again is to forgive. Don't wait too long to forgive because the longer you do the longer you are stuck with torment. You don't need to put your happiness in the hands of those who sinned you. Don't let them decide for your fate. Mend the sufferings and dump away the bad recollections. Though forgiving takes time, your patience will make it come true.

You have to remember that the one who gets the advantage of forgiving is always the one who does it. Let go and liberate a prisoner and later on you'll discover that the captive you set free is you!

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