I left, about to go into the kitchen when I heard Angela, a worker, call my name. I turned smiling, "what's up?" She came up to me, "Mason wants you to go to his office." I was shocked, "okay . ." I thanked her wearily before walking in the direction of his office.

I started to wonder if I had done something wrong but told myself not to worry. I was a good employee, I knew that. I knocked on the door and he answered with saying, 'come in." I slowly pushed the door open smiling at my boss. "Hello, Mr Lee." My boss was short and plump, he was kind and funny and always treated us well with respect. "Mia. .I've told you, call me Mason." I nodded, closing the door behind me.

"Did you want to see me?" I asked, taking a seat. He nodded, sitting upright and closing his laptop. He took off his glasses, giving me a sad look. "Mia I have to let you go."

Well, I'm screwed.

"The company," he started, sighing. "They want me to fire you. I'm not sure why, I'm only the manager of this place. I'm so sorry."

I gave him a weak smile, taking the news in. I was being fired, let go. I frowned slightly. "Mr- Mason, please . . is there any way you can talk to them? I-I really need this job." Mason shook his head, "I'm sorry, Mia. I've tried convincing them to let you say but they are keen on this decision." I nodded politely.

I cleared my throat, giving him a little smile. "Well, thank you for having me here. It was a pleasure working with you," I said, standing up and shaking his hand. "Thank you." He smiled sadly at me and I turned, opening the door. "I'm sorry again Mia." I nodded at him before leaving his office.

I exhaled loudly, trying not to cry. I sighed, rubbing my eyes before walking into the employee room and taking off my apron. I grabbed my bag and put on my coat.

I walked into the cafe room, passing the tills when I heard Faith calling my name. I turned to face her, my eyes glossy. Her face softened, "what's wrong?" She asked, coming towards me. I shook my head, "I've been fired." I walked away, leaving the coffee place.

I stood at the bus a stop. I dabbed my eyes with my tissue, sniffing quietly.  I wondered why I was fired. Was I late? Was I rude to the customers? Did I cook something wrong? The questions bugged me and once I had gotten home, I plopped myself on the couch, my head in my hands. I still didn't understand. Why was I fired?


I woke up that next morning by a phone ringing on my side table. I groaned, leaning over and grabbing it. No caller ID. I frowned before pressing the answer button. "Hello?" I cautiously asked, hoping some crazy person wouldn't answer.


"Vincenzo, what the heck?" I snapped, letting out a small sigh of relief. "How the hell did you get my number?" Why wasn't I surprised? Vincenzo could get anything he wanted with a snap of his fingers. He knew people and knew how to 'persuade' people to get what he wanted. I had seen that enough times, that is what I hated from him.

"That doesn't matter, how long do you think it will take you to get to the mall?" I blinked, my brain frozen. "Uh. . .I don't know, maybe ten, twenty minutes or so?"
"Great!" He hung up. That prick hung up on me.

I let out a huff, laying on my back, deciding whether I should go or not.

Screw it.

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