(Mis)Trust (Pt 1)

Start from the beginning

"Hey there, Gene." The innkeeper greeted, flashing him a smile as she sat down a tankard. "The usual bottle mead, I assume?"

"Actually, I'm here for some help." Gene corrected, taking a seat by the counter. "I need you to tell me about someone named Zane."

"Zane? Well, there could be many people with that name." She hummed, taking a moment to think.

"He really likes cupcakes and venison." He clarified, drumming his fingers against the countertop. "Quiet."

"Ah, you mean that Zane." She smiled slightly, laughing a bit. "Yes, the homeless fellow who never says anything to me? He's quite the cutie."

"You've seen him?" He asked, feeling that the comment on his looks was unnecessary.

"I leave him a meal out behind the inn every morning and night." She nodded. "He never says a word to me, though. He just takes the food and leaves."

"Huh... strange..." He muttered, standing up and heading outside.

"Oh, and one more thing!" The innkeeper called after him.

"Yes?" Gene huffed, turning to look at her.

"There was a pair of bandits in here not that long ago. They were asking about someone who perfectly matched Zane's description." She answered, looking worried. "You might run into trouble if you're not careful."


Gene frowned as he saw two men who looked like bandits near the area behind the inn. They seemed to be looking down at something, or someone.

Walking closer, he ducked behind a tree and eavesdropped on them. He could see the person clearly, with the palest skin and black hair, an eye that resembled the sky and tattered white and black robes. They looked kind of formal, so where was this guy from?

"Have you ever seen anything like it?" The chief bandit asked, grinning.

"No, never. How does he look so feminine?" The other asked, shifting on their feet.

"Doesn't even smell like a homeless hag." The chief scoffed, tapping Zane's knee with his boot. "They usually don't even have this many clothes on."

"Damn shame, too." The other sighed, shaking his head. "I'd like to have him as my... pet. I say we get a little payback for those two."

"Get your head on straight." The chief warned, glaring. "If we don't take him back, we don't get paid."

"I'm not saying we don't take him back." The other insisted. "I'm just saying I'd like to enjoy him first."

"That's not a bad idea." The chief admitted, laughing. "I want in. But we can't leave any marks. So we'll have to be really gentle."

"Hey, leave him alone!" Gene barked, stepping towards them with his sword drawn.

"And just who the hell are you?" The chief asked, looking at him with disgust. "Back off, this one's mine."

"Takes a lot of skill and strength for two well equipped men to attack a defenseless one." He scoffed, rolling his eyes.

"Watch your tongue or I'll cut it out for you." The chief hissed, a black tail lashing.

"Oh, please..." He yawned, grinning. "Be my guest."

"Alright then, you asked for it!" The chief cried, grabbing his sword. "Get him!"

After both bandits were dead and looted for money and valuables, Gene saw Zane walking past him.

"Bad guys might have got good things." Zane yawned, his legs shaking as he walked. "Search them, would you?"

"I just did..." Gene blinked, before sheathing his sword. "But how..."

"I didn't ask for your help! Leave me alone!" He cried, running off towards the forest.

"Hey, wait!!" He called after him, catching a letter that was on the ground.


Name: Zane Ro'Meave.
Age: 18.
Looks: Black hair over one eye, sky blue eye, pale white skin, noblemen white and black robes, freckles on his face.

20,000 in wealth if brought alive.

"What the...? I gotta find him again, looks like he's in more trouble than that Meif'wa led on."

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