Chapter 15: Old Friends

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Fabiola's POV
I'm so scared to go in and file a report against my boyfriend. If he finds out he'll kill me. I'm terrified. He says he loves me, but I don't understand how someone who loves you could be capable of hurting you. He always says he won't do it again but ends up doing it again.. Oh how Crystal was right about Tony. I miss her and the rest of the girls. They probably hate me for just going M.I.A. on them. Then I hear her voice, "Fabiola? Is that you?" It can't be her. I look up and it is her. Wow it's been about 2 years since the last time I seen her.

Crystal's POV
Holy shit. I can't believe what I'm seeing. She's badly beaten. Her right eye is black and swollen she can't even open it; she has a big bruise by her left eye. She has a busted lip and it's pretty swollen too. There's blood coming out of her nose. She has a bump on her forehead.
"Crystal? Is it really you?"
"Yeah it's really me."
She gets up and hugs me. I hug her back. Seeing her like this completely broke my heart.
"Do you and the girls hate me?"
"No, not all. Why would we hate you?"
"Because, I just slowly stopped hanging out with you guys, stopped replying to your text messages, stopped answering your phone calls. I just disappeared from your guys life."
"It's okay Fabiola. What matters right now is that you're okay. Did you already file a report?"
"No, I'm too scared Crystal."
"Come on, come with...."
I didn't even get a chance to finish my sentence when a car suddenly brakes. You could hear it was burning tire.
She's about to go but I pull her back and don't let her.
"I think you should get going. This is a police station. Trust me I'll have many cops out here in .3 seconds."
He speeds off. She's holding on to me and I could feeling her shaking.
"Crystal, I don't want to file a report, I just want to go home."
"Come on Fabiola. You're not alone anymore."
She's still crying and shaking but I finally convince her to come inside with me. She presses charges on Tony. They take pictures of her to show to the judge. Then I ask for officer Hernandez. He takes me to a back room and starts asking me questions. Luis is also brought to the back, I could see him through bars they have for people in jail. He looks at me but then looks away or down whenever I look at him.. I honestly don't remember him. I tell the officer the truth. That I don't remember that night, because I lost my memory. Then Luis looks at me in shock. He looks sad.
"Would you still like to press charges against Mr. Luis?"
"No. No I don't want to press charges against him..."
And that was it. I left to the front and Fabiola was sitting there waiting for me. I had told her that she would be able to stay at my house. On the drive home I told her what happened to me.
"Me and the girls kind of got into an argument. Well not really. They sort just lashed out on me and didn't give me a chance to defend myself. They apologized but I ignored them. But I'm forgiving them now. I don't want be mad or sad anymore."

Narrator's POV
Crystal and Fabiola walk into the house. The girls are all wondering who Crystal came home with. When they realize it's Fabiola, they all hug her. It hurt them all seeing her beaten. They get surprised when Crystal talks to them. She tells them they need to go to the store to buy a bed for Thalia and Fabiola. When they try to bring up what happened Crystal just changes the subject. She doesn't want to talk about that right now. She just wants to enjoy the day. Crystal then receives a text from Samantha saying "Surprise couldn't wait, so is it fine if I come over later.. Like around 4ish?" Crystal said that was fine. She was happy because it was about to be like old times. The whole group was going to be together again. So Crystal decided to invite Destiny over too. She wanted them to all be there because she wanted everyone to know. She didn't want to hide her secret from anyone anymore. She even invited Luke, Beau, and Jai to go over.

Luke's POV
I'm just chilling in my room thinking when all of a sudden I hear the doorbell ring. I go down stairs to see who it is. To my surprise it's Nicole and Gabriella. I used to have the biggest crush on Nicole back in the day. I haven't seen them since they went off to college. Nicole looks beautiful as always. Of course so does Gabriella, I mean they are twins. But they have totally different personalities. Gabby is a little shy and she's actually a little shorter than Nikki. Nikki is more outgoing and adventurous. I guess that's what always attracted me to her.

Beau's POV
Jai and I hardly talked the whole car ride. I guess we were both just too caught up in our thoughts. When we get home, we realize there's a red car outside. Neither of us recognize it. "I wonder who's here?" Jai mumbles. I get off of the car and go inside. Holy shit. It can't be. It's Gabby and Nikki. This is a surprise. We haven't talked or seen them since they left for college. Me and Gabby had a thing for each other. We used to talk ALL the time. But when she left we both just slowly stopped texting or calling each other. When she see's me she gets up from the couch and smiles at me. I walk towards her, give her a hug and kiss on the cheek.

Jai's POV
As I'm about to get out of the car, I realize that Beau left his cell phone in the cup holder. I grab it to take it to him, but out of curiosity I click the home button and see he has a text from Crystal, "Hey, do you think you guys could come over later? Like around 4ish? I need to tell you guys something. I know James and Daniel are gone, but I'll just tell them when they get back.. I don't want to hide this from anyone..." Now my head is getting all these ideas of what she could possibly say. I don't know about my brothers, but I'm going. When I go inside, I give Beau his phone and say hi to Gabby and Nikki. I did not expect it to be them. It's been awhile. It's crazy how me and Luke would talk about how it would be cool and weird if we were to date twins. But it was Luke and Beau who had something going on with the twins. They're pretty but I didn't see them like that. We're all sitting down and catching up with each other. Luke takes a group selfie and posts it on twitter saying "With these cuties❤️" We're all so caught up talking, when I realize it's about to be 4. The guys are too busy with the girls I'm sure none of them know Crystal wants us to go over.

Narrator's POV
The girls were setting up Thalia's and Fabiola's room while blasting their music. They were having fun, and the girls were happy that Crystal finally forgave them. They were just waiting for her to be ready to tell them about her losing her memory. When they finished setting everything up, it was almost 4. So they were just waiting for Destiny, Samantha, and the guys to get there. Crystal went on her twitter and saw Luke's tweet. For a moment she got jealous, but decided not to let it get to her. Not now. Nikki and Gabby said that they were going to go visit their family now and that it was nice seeing them and catching up. They all exchanged numbers. And that's when Beau and Luke realized they had a text from Crystal. They went upstairs to get ready.

Crystal's POV
Destiny got here at 4:05. The guys got here at 4:10. I said hi to them and gave them all a hug and kiss on the cheek. I told them that we just had to wait for one more person, so I could tell them what's going on. I introduced Fabiola and the guys to each other and then the doorbell rings. I open it and it's Samantha.
"Ahhhh." We both say and hug each other. She comes in and hugs all the girls. And I introduce her to guys also. Then she says, "Oh yeah, I got so happy to see you guys I almost forgot. You're surprise is outside waiting by the car." And smiles at me. I look at her confused.

Samantha's POV
"I just hope you don't hate me for this"
"Why would I hate you?"
"I don't know? Well I hope you like your surprise then"
When Crystal walks outside the girls ask me what her surprise is.
I guess everyone got surprised. I just laughed. Then we look out the window to see Crystal's reaction.

Brooks Brothers POV
They all look at each other and wonder who Omar is. They look out the window to see what's going on.

Crystal's POV
When I walk out, I see someone standing, he's about 5'8 and holding roses over his face. Then slowly brings them down. OMG. I put my hands over my mouth and a tear escapes my right eye. He smiles at me, "Wow, my memory of you doesn't do you any justice. You're beyond as beautiful as the last time I seen you." I bring my hands down and smile, "Look at you. You're more handsome than the first time I saw you." He hands me the roses and we both look into each others eyes for a moment. Then we hug each other and he picks me up and spins around in a circle. I start laughing. I remember he always did this. When he puts me down, he gives me a kiss on the cheek.
"I missed you so much, Crystal."
"I missed you too Omar."
When he's pulling away we look into each others eyes again and he kisses me. I kiss him back. Nothing else matters at this moment. This kiss made me realize that I never stopped loving him. He's the one I've always loved and will always love....

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