Chapter 6: The Kiss

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Beau's POV

We're both just staring deep into our eyes I really want to kiss but idk if she wants me to kiss her. I keep moving my face closer to hers but don't kiss her. "Are you going to kiss me or not?" She says and we start laughing. My hands move from the floor to her cheek then my hands are under her neck. Her hands move from my shoulders to behind my neck. Then we both go in for it. We're kissing for a while, tongues going back and forth, nibbling on each other's bottom lips when all of a sudden Jai walks in..

Jai's POV

Wtf!? I go into the house because my girlfriend had just texted me that she was here and I see Crystal and Beau on the floor making out? Are you fucking kidding me? Why am I getting so mad? I just want to grab Beau off of her. She's supposed to be mine not his. I snap out of it and they both get up and just start laughing. They start holding hands and walk outside. The blood inside of me is boiling. I try to not let it get to me and I go open the door and let my girlfriend in.

Luke's POV

Whoa! What the fuck is going on? We're all in the pool when I turn and see Crystal and Beau holding hands and laughing. I am beyond jealous right now. I need to calm down though. Who am I to make a big scene to her anyways? It's not like I made a move on her? I guess Beau beat me too it. The good thing about it is that she looks happy. That's all that matters to me. Even though it hurts me seeing her with him, I will suck it up and be happy for her. But what broke my heart more was seeing them kiss. I froze. I didn't know what to do. I got out of the pool and went inside. I needed to clear my mind for a moment.

Jasmin's POV

"Holy shit guys look at Crystal, she's getting it, haha"

Thalia's POV

"Crystal!!!!" She gets all shy and red because she's noticed we all seen them kissing, but her and Beau just start laughing. He grabs her from her waist and kisses her again. Awww they look so cute together and they both look happy. I'm so glad that she isn't all depressed because of what that idiot Luis did to her. She deserves to be happy and it seems like she's finally getting there.

Esmeralda's POV

"Damn maybe you guys should go get a room instead of putting on a show for us," I say and everyone starts laughing. She knows I'm just kidding. But she flips me off and continues to kiss Beau. What a crazy day. Makes me wonder if this is actually reality. I'm totally having a Crystal moment. No wonder she didn't want to say anything because she really thought this was a dream. But she looks so happy and I'm happy that she's finally found someone who will actually treat her right.

Desiree's POV

Crystal actually looks beyond happy right now. I'm so happy for her. But it kind of bums me out because I wish I was still with Daniel. He hasn't called me or texted me. Nothing. I really miss him. Sigh. I try not to let it get to me and continue to have fun with my girls.

Crystal's POV

I really like Beau. He's cute, funny, has an amazing personality, a beautiful smile, he's literally the whole package just like his brothers Luke and Jai. I stop and think for awhile. Is it really Beau the one I want to be with? I don't even know. I just hope I'm making the right choice because in the end I don't want to see any of them hurt. "Crystal, I really like you, and I'd honestly love for you to be my girlfriend?" Beau says to me. I'm so happy right now I can't even speak. I get a hold of my self and smile, "Beau you've officially made me the happiest girl in this world! Of course I'd love to be your girlfriend." I give him a quick peck.

Jasmin's POV

I get out of the pool and go lay on a chair. I grab my phone and with all the chaos that's been going on I totally forgot that tomorrow is my 17th birthday. It bums me out because I'm pretty sure the girls have forgotten too because of everything that's been going on. It starts getting to me that me and Jason aren't together anymore. I really miss him. I wonder why he decided to break up with me. Had he really been cheating on me with Ruby or did I just imagine it all? My eyes start to get watery but I hold back my tears. I honestly wish he would have at least gave me an explanation.

James POV

I noticed that Jasmin looked a little sad so I decided to go try and cheer her up. "Are you okay?" I ask. "Oh yeah I'm fine just having a little moment of memories you can say," Jasmin responds to me. I start telling her jokes and she starts laughing and smiling, and I tell her that she should smile more often because she looks more beautiful with a smile on her face. It seems like I've come to the rescue haha. I don't like seeing people sad so I always try my best to cheer them up.

Daniel's POV

By the end of the night I've gotten to know all of the girls. They're all such amazing and down to earth girls. I think we'll all start hanging out more. More friends, More fun. The good thing about it is that they all have a good sense of humor and they don't get all butt hurt about things that were meant to be just a joke and nothing serious.

Esmeralda's POV

I don't think anyone knows how happy I am that I actually have gotten to meet and become friends with the Janoskians it's such a blessing and I'm so thankful for this day. I go to grab my purse since we're about to leave, I take out my phone and realize that Abraham has texted me.. I froze when I read his name. I don't even know what to do.

Thalia's POV

I had such a great time today. These guys are even funnier in person. But I'm so exhausted already, I just want to go home and lay in bed and fall asleep haha. Well Crystal's bed because I still need to go buy myself a bed. It's pretty exciting finally being able to move in with my girl because we've been talking about living together since we were little kids. It's crazy how time flies. But that's life.

Ariana's POV

Me and Jai stayed in his room most of the time just talking and doing goofy things like we always do. When everyone was leaving I got to meet all the girls that we're here; they seemed pretty cool and like nice people. I thought it was cute how they asked to take a picture with me. I love all my fans so much, I was truly blessed with the most amazing fans ever.

Desiree's POV

OMG first the Janoskians and then Ariana, this day was such a fantastic day. A day I will never forget. Thank you god for this day. As we're all saying goodbye I feel my phone vibrating, I grab it and see that Daniel E. is calling me. I could feel my heart beat faster than usual. I step outside and answer. "Hello?" I say..

Luke's POV

Meeting these girls has totally been a blessing. They are all such amazing people; it's hard to find honest people in this world and I'm glad to see there still is. Me and Crystal are having a little chat and I make her laugh and smile. I could see that beautiful smile all the time; it really brightens my mood. She is so amazing and if we're just meant to be friends I'm fine with that. I give her a hug and tell her that I'll text her later.

Jai's POV

When everyone is leaving me and Ari go down stairs to say bye. As We're hugging everyone and saying bye to them Crystal was the last one I had to hug. We both look into each other's eyes and then she looks down. I'm going towards her to give her a hug and she looks up and somehow our lips touched. We both look at each other and look away and just say bye.

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