Chapter 7: Late Night Visits

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Desiree's POV

I'm still speechless about what happened earlier, I haven't even told the girls yet. I think I'll wait until we actually get to talk in person. That way I could actually tell them exactly what's going on because all he said was, "Can we talk? When? &Where would be fine for you?" Since tomorrow is Jasmin's birthday I told him to come over tonight and I'll leave my window open so he can climb in.

Esmeralda's POV

'Do you think we can talk?' Was what the message from Abraham said. I didn't even want to reply. I was angry, hurt, and sad. But I really did miss him. I replied saying 'about what?' and he said about us and all this stuff. I told him to come over tonight since I was going to be busy tomorrow because it was Jasmin's birthday and we've all been planning something special for her.

Jasmin's POV

When we get home we all say goodnight and go straight to our rooms. After being home for about an hour I hear something outside and look out my window and see Daniel E. climbing in through Desiree's window. Should I go and check up on her she hasn't said anything about them talking again? Right after I hear more noise coming from outside and it's Abraham going in through Esmeralda's Window. What's going on tonight? What, are Jason and Luis next? I think I should just go to bed. I lay down but for some reason I can't fall asleep.

Thalia's POV

Me and Crystal are up watching t.v and talking about what we're doing tomorrow for Jasmin's birthday when I get a call.. It's Miguel. OMG I go downstairs so I won't bug Crystal while I'm on the phone. He's such a sweetheart he always makes me smile. He says he would do anything for me to keep a smile on my face. He's the cutest. He says he wants to see me soon and I tell him that he should come over tomorrow so he could meet the girls since it's Jasmin's birthday. When we get off the phone I'm so excited because I can't wait to see him and for him to meet the girls.

Crystal's POV

Though I try not to think about it too much all I keep thinking about was when mine and Jai's lips met.. How does that happen? I shouldn't have looked up. If I knew he was going in for a hug I could have moved my face a little and gave him a hug in return. But anyways enough of that. I'm so happy right now. I honestly feel like the luckiest girl in the world right now. Beau is such a sweetheart and so kind to me. I can't wait to see what the future holds for us. *Vibration* 'Goodnight babe✨😍 even though I just seen you I miss you already🙊 I can't wait for us to hang out again. Mwuaahhhh😘 Sweet dreams my love💘' Awww I really do have the cutest most adorable boyfriend ever. Now I can't stop smiling. I reply saying something cute back to him. As I'm about to fall asleep I feel my phone vibrate. 'Goodnight Crystal❤️ it was good seeing again. Seeing you smile really could brighten up anyone's mood. I hope to see you always smiling😊 I wish you and my brother the best of luck..' Luke is such a sweetheart too. And even though I'm with Beau I can't help but feel my heart beat faster. I may have moved on into this relationship too fast.. This is what I didn't want. I don't want to hurt anyone especially not one of the guys. They're both amazing and any girl would be lucky to catch their heart.

Jasmin's POV

It's midnight when I hear little rocks being thrown at my window. I get up and see that it's Jason. He has red roses with him. I could feel my eyes getting watery. I don't know what to do. He starts making his way up to my room and I don't stop him from coming in.

Over with the Janoskians:

Jai's POV

After Ariana left I said goodnight to everyone and went upstairs to my room. I can't stop thinking about that kiss. Could I even call it a kiss? Our lips just met but nothing more it was all accidental. OH MY GOODNESS JAI STOP ALREADY!! YOU HAVE A GIRLFRIEND. YOU NEED TO GET THAT THROUGH YOUR HEAD! YOU DON'T FEEL ANYTHING AT ALL FOR CRYSTAL. NOTHING. THE ONE YOU LOVE AND WILL ALWAYS LOVE IS ARIANA.

Luke's POV

Before I lay down I text Crystal and she replied saying 'You're so sweet❤️ a smile like yours brightens the night more than the moon and stars🌙🌌Goodnight Luke.' When I'm in bed I close my eyes and all I see is the image of Crystal and Beau kissing over and over. I'm only hurting myself by doing that. I feel myself breaking, I feel my heart breaking. I try not to think about it and grab my headphones to listen to music on my phone and 'The Only Reason by 5SOS' starts playing. Great. I start singing along. This song explains how I feel right now. I don't understand why I feel this way. I've only talked to the girl for two days. When I first saw her in my dreams I fell in love with her. I don't know how that was possible but it happened. Now I can't get her out of my head.. Out of my heart..

Beau's POV

I could honestly say I'm the happiest guy in the world right now. I still can't believe this is reality. I'm with the girl of my dreams. Today has officially been the best day of my life. I can't wait to see my girl and that beautiful smile of hers again. I grab my phone and text her when I get her reply i smile, 'My Boyfriend is so cute😍 hehe I miss you too🙈 Hopefully soon like tomorrow😝 you should come over☺️ Goodnight Baby I hope to see you tomorrow💏' My girl can sure make me smile with the simplest things.

Back with the girls:

Thalia's POV

When I get back into the room, I notice Crystal has got off the bed. She's sitting on a chair by the window looking outside. She looks lost in her own thoughts. I could tell because she doesn't even realize that I'm back in.

Crystal's POV

I'm sitting just staring out the window and thinking. When I randomly see Luis outside my window...

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