Youngjae (ft. Mark(brother) and Coco)

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Youngjae and Coco! Hope you aghase love it! Its our sunshine! 


Bzz. Bzz

Your phone buzzed, it was your brother, Mark. 

Markiepooh: Hey baby sis, wanna come hang out with Got7 today, we are going to the park.

Y/N: Oh, I'd love to come. 

Markiepooh: Okay, I'll meet you at the company. 

Y/N: Okay oppa, I'll be there in a while. 

Markiepooh: Be careful okay?

Y/N: Yessir!

You laughed and changed into some jeans and a t-shirt. After that you got your boots and a jacket. You put on your beanie and headed to the company. Mark greeted you at the front of the building. Youngjae, your bias, also your crush was standing there with a puppy. Mark told you he and Got7 would be walking ahead, leaving you alone with Youngjae. He looked at you with his biggest smile and that made you blush. Once you got to the park, Got7 was nowhere to be seen and it was just you, Youngjae and the puppy. 

YJ: So, Y/N, I have something to tell you.

Y/N: Hmm

YJ: Well, I really like you, from the day Mark-hyung introduced you to us. I was mesmerized by your pretty eyes and everytime you smile it makes me happy. So will you be my girlfriend and be Coco's mom?

Y/N: Youngjae.. I like you too and yes! Coco is so cute!

YJ: But you're cuter!

Y/N: Awww thanks, it's cold, wanna head back to the building. 

YJ: Yeah, sure let's walk Coco back together. 

Y/N: Okay!

Youngjae took your hand in his and tied the leash around your hand and his hand. He smiled at you and you both walked back to the company. The moment you entered the practice room, you were greeted by 6 crazy boys running around and there were banners and poppers and balloons that decorated the practice room. They looked at your hands and cheered. Youngjae shook his head and went to sit, you walked over to him and he pulled out his phone. He took a picture of you with Coco in your arms, smiling. He told the boys to calm down to take a picture and after that. You all had lunch and had a great time before PD-nim came with an envelope. Everyone thought ya'll were in trouble but when Youngjae opened it, PD-nim laughed. It was a congratulatory message. You bowed to him and then went over to Youngjae who was smiling wide. He pulled you closer to him and kissed you in front of everyone. Jackson then started screaming ew and that cracked everyone up. 


Who's better than our sunshine Youngjae

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