Considering Harry had just ordered, he was presumably going to stand around for a bit longer than my head seemed to stressingly calculate. For this reason, I tossed the muffin into the nearest bin, stacked my paperwork under my arm and pressed my laptop tightly against my chest. For some reason, I momentarily forgot the actual profit of a satchel, and used my arms as folders instead. This only made me more stressed, if not also more stupid-looking.

Swift as a feather in a breeze, I scooted over the polished floors to eventually halt at the counter, only feet away from where the target was standing.

To pretend I was busy, I aimlessly scanned my eyes over the menus-which was acutely stupid, since I had clearly already left my table and discarded my barely finished order.

Bottom line was that I was convinced Harry would spot me from this particular angle.

And then...



I was quick to spin around. Too quick.

In fact, I ended up unintentionally dropping one of my paper sheets and statically watched it waver to the ground. Harry's perfectly shaped brows darted upward as he conveniently crouched down in front of me in order to politely hand over the file. I accepted it by showing a smile that I hoped didn't look too silly or awkward.

"Wow," he blurted, eyes fixated at the heavy load in my arms. "That looks like a lot of work. I suppose you don't have time for a chat?"

My lips parted. "Oh, actually, um, I'm not making progress so I do have-I mean I'm not, like busy, or, you know..."

Fuck. That was painful.

"Oh, cool," he commented, once again glancing at what I was carrying. He was clearly interested, but I had no desire to even mention the work that had me cringing until my toes curled to the person I wouldn't mind impressing. But, of course, nothing was going the way I wanted. "What are you writing?" he asked.


"A script," I confessed, keeping it concise.

"Really?" His eyes scintillated with curiosity. "Can I see it?"

Um. How about nope? Never? Ever, ever?

"Erm," I gulped. "Maybe some other time?"

"Of course," he replied. "Sorry, I didn't mean to intrude." The boy scratched a finger over his jaw and I gave him a quick shaking-head gesture to show that I didn't mind, which was a unspoken lie. It was only then I realised the scattered doodles of tattoos on his skin, which were on display under the shirtsleeves of his jumper and coat. "Actually, there's something I need to tell you," he added.

I felt my face blanching. "Okay."

Harry's teeth sunk into his bottom lip. "Well, I don't know how to tell you, really."

"Don't worry," I reacted, not knowing what to say.

A toothy grin reached his cerise lips. "Niall got the role!"

"Oh!" I chuckled, feeling relieved. "That's-That's amazing!"

"By the way, I don't want to throw it in your face. I just thought you'd like to know."

I gave my head a shake. "Uhh, no. Don't worry," (I cringed, realising I had already said those words), "I'm not...envious. Just 'appy for him."

Harry's hands were tucked into the pockets of his coat, and before he replied, he gave them an enthusiastic swing. "Well, I'm actually picking up a latte for him, to celebrate." We both laughed softly in unison. "Actually, I'm heading back to the flat just now, once the order's ready. Would you wanna come with?" He asked, quickly adding; "You know, to congratulate him and all."

Dream Writer » Larry AUWhere stories live. Discover now