Journey's End and New Beginning

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My Pov

"Wha...?" I turned and to my relief, Sora and the others were with me again.

"Behold the endless abyss! Within lies the heart of all worlds: Kingdom Hearts!" Ansem exclaimed. I looked to see a large white door with colored stain glass near the top. The Door to Darkness. "Look as hard as you are able. You'll not find even the smallest glimmer of light! From those dark depths are all hearts born! Even yours." We all looked down and gasped. The World of Chaos Heartless. "Darkness conquers all worlds!" Sora and the others could no longer levitate. Donald and Goofy disappeared into one of the monster's chambers while Sora, Riku and Kairi fell into the dark abyss.

"Sora! Riku! Kairi! Don't give up!" I cried. That's when I heard a very warm voice call out to them.

"You guys are giving up already? Come on, Sora, Riku and Kairi. I thought you were all better than that." They disappeared for a minute then flew back up to me. The 4 of us began to attack Ansem. He was stronger than before. That's when I saw he was connected to The World of Chaos. After having injured him, he laid back and a Heartless sigil covered him. I felt rage fill. He was healing himself.

"How do we beat that thing? How can we beat him?" Kairi asked.

"There's only one way. We have to go in several chambers and destroy the three body cores in or to get to the main one there." I pointed to the middle that was protected by a barrier. Sora, Riku and Kairi's Digivices then activated.

"Veemon digivolve to... Veedramon!"

"Kudamon digivolve to... Reppamon!"

"Labramon digivolve to... Opposummon!"

I felt my rage growing until darkness covered Angel's Light. It had been changed. It was a glossy, black color, while the handle itself was a charcoal gray. The "blade" was a deep crimson metal bar with two rows of black thorns circling around it and a jet black, tattered bat wing at the end of the bar. The Keychain at the end of the handle was a crimson Kingdom Hearts symbol with two tiny bat wings and it was attached to the hilt of the Keyblade with a deep purple chain. This represented Hikari's darkness. "I'll call you Devil's Darkness." I said. 

A portal opened near the main core

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A portal opened near the main core. We dove in and destroyed the core there. The next one opened near Ansem. We dove through to find Goofy. We defeated the Heartless that were guarding the core and destroyed it. We flew out and found the last body core was inside The World of Chaos's face. We circled around and dove through the dark portal. There we found Donald. We destroyed the last core and flew out just before the face exploded. We were together again. We attacked the main core together and destroyed it. Ansem released himself from the Heartless' safety. This time, he was going down. He was so much stronger than before.

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