Halloween Town

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My Pov

Soon, we came upon another world. It was very weird looking. We disembarked and found ourselves in a very spooky place. I noticed every one had changed again. I was a witch, Sora was a vampire, Donald was a mummy and Goofy was a Frankenstein-like monster. Our clothes were different too;

. Sora's clothing had become almost completely black, appearing to be made of faded leather. He wore white gloves and had clawed fingers, the shoulders of his jacket were grey, and he had very small, black, bat wings on his upper back. His normal shoes were replaced with large, black ones with pointed toes and a grey stripe on their midsections. His legs were wrapped in what appear to be black and red bandages. Sora's canines became more pointed and his face, particularly the area around his eyes, became more ashen and shadowed in appearance. His hair was a darker shade of brown and he wore an orange mask on the right side of his face, covering his right eye. The mask was circular with small horns on the top, a jagged, jack o' lantern-esque mouth, and triangular eyes. The mask's right eye was green and the left one appears to be closed or scratched out.

. Donald's entire body, save for the tips of his toes and his beak, were covered by mummy-like bandages, and a gap between his stomach and waist revealed that there was nothing under them. A similar gap was located between his right elbow and wrist. Donald's beak and feet were less vibrant in color, the feathers on his tail and "hair" looked sharp, and his eyes gained a thick, black outline around them, similar to ancient Egyptian eye makeup.

. Goofy wore a tan turtleneck sweater, a yellow, tattered, patched jacket, green pants that were equally tattered and patched, with a black left leg, black suspenders, and brown shoes with holes ripped open for his toes. All of his clothing were faded. Goofy retains his floppy ears, but they were thinner and mangier-looking than normal. He had an enormous, silver screw in the top of his head and his fingernails were pointed. His fur is black and is spiked wildly on his head around the screw. Goofy's nose became a metal cap and was tipped with a small jack o' lantern.

. I was wearing a dark blue blouse with a pale indigo section at the center, lined with a single piece of white lace on each side; while three thin white pieces of tulle stretched across the chest. Dark blue ruffles lined the bottom of the top, while a single piece of white ruffled material went on top of the chest with a single red string bow. Attached to the top were black, slightly puffed sleeves with white lace cuff. Connected to them were tight, dark blue and black gradient sleeves that had a design of gold bats and stars on them, and so far down were tied by a red string bow. White material stuck out from the bottom to match the very tiny ruffles on top of each sleeve. It came with a dark blue choker lined with white ruffles and had a fancy gem design on the center; connected to a silver piece with many dark blue spheres. An indigo-blue themed skirt with slightly darker designs nearing the bottom, lined with white pleated, ruffled material. On top of this was a split piece of material held together by a red ribbon tied into a bow. On it were small gold bats and star-shaped marks. At the center of the band was a sphere with two, very thin silver chains with gems connected to them. On my feet were dark blue and black gradient boots with very pointed toe. Gold bats and stars were printed around the heel and ankle area, while two silver chains are stretched around the boot's center to shape like diamonds and are held by a silver diamond button. On top of each boot was a milk-blue ruffled cuff with dark blue designs and four silver diamonds; while in the center hanging was a blue and silver accessory. On my head was midnight blue miniature witch cap with a print of gold bats, tiny dots, and all sorts of stars; hanging from a simple four point to an eight point. A flap of ruffled material, one lighter then the cap sticks up. A gold four-point star dangles from the very top point of the hat. It came with a pair of silver diamond dangle earrings with a gold six-point star hanging from it. To the corner was a thin stick that hangs from the side; making it resemble a magic wand(Look at Aikatsu; Magic Midnight Coord).

"Hikari, your hair is black and your eyes are like a deep red!" Sora exclaimed. Great! Now my hair and eyes have changed. I noticed that Veemon and Salamon both became black. We walked toward the square where we saw smoke coming from a house. Then, we saw several Heartless floating around near a fountain in the square. We got ready to fight them, but for the strangest reason, they didn't attack. I noticed a very strange, short and cone-shaped man with a megaphone.

"And now, allow me to introduce the master of terror, the king of nightmares—Jack Skellington!" the man proclaimed. Then the Heartless parted in a presenting fashion and a skeletal man(literally a skeleton)slowly rose out of the fountain and stroke a pose. "Bravo, Jack! Bravo! Those ghosts will be a big hit at this year's Halloween!"

"Thank you, thank you! But their movement still needs work. It's not scary enough. I want to strike bone-chilling terror. I'm going to consult the doctor." Jack said. The man went off to attend to decorations while Jack went to talk to this doctor. We went after Jack to find out what the Heartless were doing here. We walked into the lab. I noticed a Heartless laying on a table. "I don't understand. Maybe the guidance system was damaged in the explosion."

"Nonsense. My devices are always perfect!" the doctor exclaimed.

"Oh, I've got it! Why of course! The Heartless need a heart! Doctor, do you think we can add a heart to that device?" Jack asked.

"Certainly. A heart is not all that complicated. Let's get to work." the doctor said.

"To make a heart, first take a container with a lock." Jack listed. The doctor took out a heart-shaped container with a lock on it.

"We need a key to open this thing first!" the doctor exclaimed. I decided to unlock it for them. If they were lucky and succeeded, we won't have to fight the Heartless anymore. I pointed my Starlight at it and unlocked the container.

"My! That was amazing! Uh, and you are..." Jack said.

"I'm Hikari and this is Salamon. These are my friends Sora, Veemon, Donald and Goofy." I said.

"Well done, Hikari! I'd like you and your friends to be a part of this year's Halloween." Jack said, gleefully.

"What's this Heartless doing here?" Sora asked. Jack explained that he was using them for the Halloween celebration and how he couldn't get them to dance just right. They started working on the heart.

"The ingredients for a heart: Pulse. Emotion." the doctor listed.

"Fear. Hope and despair. Mix them all together, and we have a heart!" Jack explained. The doctor turned on the machine. The Heartless sat up at first, but then fell back onto the table.

"It failed! Maybe we're missing some ingredients. Let's try adding memory. Sally! Sally! Good-for-nothing girl! Don't know why I bothered creating her! Sally's got the memory we need. See if you can track her down." the doctor said angrily. I wondered what the Doctor meant by 'memory'?

"Where would this Sally be?" I asked.

"Most likely the graveyard." Jack said. That's when the strange man from before came running toward us. "Is something wrong Mayor?"

"Jack! Jack! We have a major crisis! The Heartless are completely out of control! We can't stop them!" the mayor cried. Now things were acting up. We hurried to the square to get rid of the Heartless.

Sorry if this short and also for the long descriptions of what Sora, Donald and Goofy look like. I put those there just in case any readers haven't seen any Kingdom Hearts(which I would be shocked). I going to basically put the descriptions of each of their outfits. Also, Veemon and Salamon become BlackVeemon and BlackSalamon in Halloween Town.

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