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My Pov

The ride to the next world was the same. My thought kept returning to Riku. What had become of him now?

"Uh, a big ship is catching up to us." Goofy said. The ship 'sailed' into view.

"Quit gawking! That's a pirate ship!" Donald yelled.

"It's going to ram us! Hold on tight!" Sora cried. The ship rammed into us. Sora and I ended up on the deck. We looked to see Donald and Goofy were gone.

"I didn't think you'd come, Sora." We looked to see Riku. "Good to see you both again." Riku said.

"Where are Donald and Goofy?" Sora asked.

"Are they that important to you? More important than old friends?" He was angrier than before. He didn't listen to me. That's when I felt it. Darkness. Riku had given in to the darkness. Kudamon jumped from the deck. He pinned both Veemon and Salamon down. "Instead of worrying about them, you should be asking... about her." Riku said, stepping aside to reveal Kairi.

"Kairi!" Sora cried. Something was wrong. She wasn't moving. Riku had been telling the truth before. Kairi lost her heart.

"That's right. While you were off goofing around and stabbing me in the back, I finally found her." Riku said. Sora ran to Kairi, but a man with a hook hand stopped him. Wait, I knew that guy. I thought and came up with a name. Captain Hook.

"Not so fast. No shenanigans aboard my vessel, boy." Hook said.

"Riku, why are you siding with the Heartless?" Sora asked.

"The Heartless obey me now, Sora. Now I have nothing to fear." Riku said.

"Riku... You're stupid! Sooner or later they'll swallow your heart!" I cried.

"Not a chance. My heart's too strong Hikari. I'll be fine. I promise." Riku said.

"Riku..." I said.

"I've picked up a few other tricks as well. Like this, for instance." He stretched out his hand. Sora's shadow rose out of the ground and stared at him. "You can go see your friends now." A trapdoor opened under Sora and he disappeared. Kudamon roughly wrapped himself around Veemon and threw him down the trapdoor. "Let's get under way, already. Keep Sora away from Kairi and Hikari until were ready to land. Hikari, come on." Riku said. I couldn't move. My body was shaking and I could actually felt cracks spreading in my heart. I heard footsteps and felt myself being lifted off the ground. I noticed Riku decided to carry me. Kudamon kept Salamon on the deck. Two Heartless carried Kairi to somewhere else, while Riku took me to another room. He sat me down.

"Riku... why did you just do that?" I asked.

"What do you mean?" Riku asked, not thinking he didn't do something horrible.

"Seriously! You've turned on Sora. How could you? You haven't listen to a word I said! You've let Maleficent trick you. Sora's nearly gotten killed several times looking for you and Kairi." I said.

"Maybe I was wrong about you..." What? "I've try to win you back, but all you talk about now is Sora." Riku said, clenching his fist. Win me back?

"What do you mean 'win me back'? Back from who?" I asked. He started getting angry again.

"Don't play dumb. Sora. He's been trying to steal you from me." Riku said. He actually thought that!?

"How can you think that!" What Riku did was unexpected. He pushed me down onto the bed and pinned me down. "W-W-What are you..." I stammered, fear starting to run through me.

"Seems I have no choice. It's the only way to make you see that you only belong to me." Riku said, with a dark look in his eyes. He kissed me rather roughly and started touching my body everywhere. I was so frozen with trauma that I didn't tell him to stop and didn't push him away. I just laid there and endured everything that came.

Sora's Pov

"You don't say?" Goofy asked.

"Yeah! It was definitely Kairi. I finally found her." I said.

"Yep! No doubt about it. It was definitely Kairi." Veemon said.

"All right! Then let's go up and talk to her and find Hikari." Goofy said.

"Yeah!" I agreed.

"Sounds great. Okay, but first... how about getting off!" Donald said.

"Oh, sorry." I said. I didn't realize I had fallen on them. I looked out the door and saw several Heartless outside.

"Ahem!" We turned to see no one there, but kept hearing a voice. "How ya doin' there? Looking for a way out?" a voice asked. Then, a boy with orange hair and dressed in green jumped out of hiding.

"Who are you?" Goofy asked.

"I'm the answer to your prayers." The four of us looked at him funny "Okay, then. Fine. Have it your way." the boy said.

"But you're stuck in here too, aren't you?" I asked.

"No. I'm just waiting for someone." the boy said.

"Who?" I asked. A sparkly, yellow orb of light flew around me.

"Tinker Bell, what took you so long?" The light vanished to reveal a blonde fairy wearing a green dress. "Great job. So you found Wendy?" There was a twinkling sound which I guess was the fairy talking. "Hold on. There was another girl there, too?" He either meant Kairi and Hikari. "And you saw who? Hikari?" He knew who Hikari was? "She's being held in the captain's quarters? Alright. Time to keep that promise I made." Tinker Bell started getting huffy. "Are you crazy? There is no way I'm gonna leave Wendy or Hikari there!" the boy said.

"Aha. She must be pretty jealous." Donald pointed out. That observation caused Tinker Bell to kick Donald in the face.

"Come on, Tink! Open up the door!" the boy exclaimed.

"Ahem!" I said, trying to get his attention.

"I'm Peter Pan." he said, holding out his hand.

"I'm Sora." I said. I went to shake his hand, but he pulled it back.

"Okay, we're in this together, but only 'til we find Wendy and Hikari." Peter said. Tinker Bell sprinkled some of her dust on us. We left the hold and went through the ship looking for the girls.

My Pov

I was wrapped in a blanket. Riku had put all his and my clothes back on. I lay there, shaking and frozen. Why? What caused him to do that to me? Why did he do that to me? I still felt pain the lower region of my body. I knew I had to have bruises, but at least they were covered by my clothes. Riku was sitting on the side of the bed.

"I'm sorry Hikari, but I had to make it clear that you're mine and no one else's." Riku said as he stroked my hair. I cringed at each stroke he made on me. He got up as Captain Hook entered the room.

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