The Most Important Thing

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My Pov

Jasmine was still unconscious and I could hear the sounds of Sora's battle with Jafar. Really, I was focused on was what had just been revealed about me. Tears flooded from my red, puffy eyes and down my hot cheeks. Salamon jumped into my arms and I squeezed her tight. I curled up in a ball with my face buried in Salamon's fur.

"Why?! Why is it me?!" I cried.

"Why is what you?" a voice asked. I snapped straight up and turned around. It was Riku. He was here.

Riku's Pov

I saw the state Hikari was in. Her clothes were covered in sand dust, her hair was slightly messy, but what really hurt me was the look on her face. Her eyes were red and puffy and her cheeks were red. Had Sora done something to make her upset? Salamon jumped from her arms and nuzzled Kudamon.

"Riku!" Hikari exclaimed. She started crying again. I wrapped my arms around her and she did the same to me. I swear, Sora was gonna get it if he did something to Hikari!

"Hikari, what's wrong? Did you and Sora have a fight?" I asked her. She shook her head.

"No. It's just that... I just found out something about myself. Something completely impossible." She choked out. What did she mean?

"What are you talking about?" I asked. She was about to answer when there was a loud boom and a quake. The quake cause Hikari to slip and fall toward the ocean of lava below. "Hikari!" I reached out for her hand.

"Riku!" She screamed, grabbing my hand. I was struggling to lift her up because the heat was hitting me. I finally managed to pull her to safety, but she was fainted from the heat. "Riku..." She was barely conscious. "Maleficent is lying to you... Don't believe what she says..." Her eyes closed and her body went limp. What? I had to listen to Maleficent. It was the only way to get Kairi. I laid Hikari gently on the ground. Salamon ran to her side and sat down next to her. I turned my attention to the princess. I grabbed her and hurried back to Hollow Bastion.

Sora's Pov

I managed to hit Iago and, luckily, that caused him to drop Jafar's lamp.

"Okay, Jafar! Back to your lamp!" I said, holding up the lamp. A red whirlpool of magical beams surround Jafar and pulled him into the lamp. We hopped on Carpet and flew back to where Jasmine and Hikari were.

"Jasmine? Jasmine!" Aladdin yelled. Jasmine was gone and Hikari was lying unconscious on the ground. Salamon started jumping up and down.

"Sora! Over here!" Eve exclaimed.

"Hikari!" I yelled, running and picking her up. I gently shook her. "Hikari! Hikari, wake up!" To my relief, she opened her eyes.

"Sora?" Hikari asked, sitting up.

"You must have gotten hit on the head or something. Come on. We've gotta seal the Keyhole." I tell her. She nodded and got up. We pointed our Keyblades at the Keyhole and locked it. That's when the whole cave started shaking.

"Whoa, we'd better get out of here!" Goofy exclaimed. We all got on Carpet. Me and Goofy had to hold onto Aladdin to prevent him from jumping off. Carpet was having to carefully and quickly navigate through the cave as debris and spouts of fire almost hit us. We got back to Agrabah safely, but Aladdin was depressed. We explained to him that Jasmine had been taken to another place.

"So, Jasmine's no longer in Agrabah. Sora, Hikari, let's go find her." Aladdin said.

"Aladdin I'm sorry, but..." Hikari began to say, but faded off. Salamon pawed at Hikari's leg, wanting to cheer her up.

"We can't take you with us." I said regretfully. He clearly was upset.

"Wh-Why not?" Aladdin asked.

"I sure wish we could..." Goofy said.

"But we can't. If we take him to another world, we would be..." Donald said.

"Muh...Mudd-" Goofy stammered.

"Meddling!" Donald yelled.

"Aladdin, we'll find Jasmine. I promise." I swore.

My Pov

Seeing Aladdin like this reminded me of myself when Riku vanished. Wait, did Riku take Jasmine? He could have... Could he? But, I could tell by the way Salamon was avoiding eye-contact that Riku had taken Jasmine.

"Uh, earth to Al. Hello? You still have one wish left. Look, just say the word. Ask me to find Jasmine for you." Genie said.

"I... I wish... for your freedom, Genie." Aladdin said.

"Al!" Genie cried. Pink magical beams swirled around Genie and when they disappeared, Genie's ghostly tail had been replaced with solid legs. Then, the bracelets, which were actually shackles, disappeared too.

"A deal's a deal, Genie. Now you can go anywhere you want. You're your own master. But if you can, it'd be great if you could go along with them and help Sora and Hikari find Jasmine." Aladdin asked.

"Hmm. Sorry, Al. I'm done taking orders from others. But... A favor, now that's entirely different. I guess I could give that a try. After all, we're pals, right, Al? Just leave it to me!" Genie said. Then Aladdin smiled.

"Guys, find Jasmine for me." Aladdin asked.

"We will. I promise." I said. We sent off, not knowing what world we'd end up in next.

No one's Pov

Maleficent, Hades and Riku watched as the four friends departed from Agrabah.

"That smarmy vizier could've had 'em- if someone had stuck around to give him a hand." Hades sneered. This annoyed Riku and Kudamon.

"It wasn't our job." Kudamon said.

"Hey, I did my part. I brought the princess, didn't I?" Riku asked.

"Jafar was beyond help, consumed by his own hatred. One should beware of letting it burn too brightly." Maleficent said.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. Lighten up. I'm as cool as they come, okay? By the way, kid, have we got something special for you." Hades said. Riku looked from Hades to Maleficent in confusion.

"We had a deal, yes? You help us, and we grant you your wish..." Maleficent said. On the table appeared a projection of...

"Kairi!" Riku exclaimed.

"Go to her. Your vessel is waiting." Maleficent told him. Out of the shadows appeared Captain Hook.

"Just remember, this is no pleasure cruise. It won't be a pleasant voyage." Captain Hook said. Hikari's words of caution echoed in Riku's mind. "Riku... Maleficent is lying to you... Don't believe what she says..." He knew the girl he loved wouldn't lie to him.

"Why are you doing all of this for me? What's the catch?" he asked.

"Catch? What's the catch? Silly boy. You're like a son to me. I only want you to be happy." She said, gently caressed Riku's cheek. The boy slightly flinched at her cold touch. He immediately smacked her hand away.

"I seriously doubt that." he said.

"Believe what you wish. But lest we forget, I kept my end of the bargain." the evil fairy says. Riku went off to Captain Hook's ship. He quietly mumbled to himself.

"Hikari, I'll win you back. Sora's gonna pay big time for trying to steal you from me. That's a promise." Little did Riku know that Hikari was right about him not trusting the evil fairy.

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