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My Pov

I looked around to see I was in the 2nd District. It didn't take long to stop Sora and the others.

"Sora! Donald! Goofy!" I called.

"Everyone!" Nyaromon said. They turned around and we waved to them.

"Hikari! Salamon!" they yelled. I jumped down to the lower level of the district and was knocked to the ground by Sora, causing me to drop Nyaromon. He pulled me into a uncomfortably tight hug.

"Sora, can't breathe!" I cried. He let go. I took several deep breaths.

"Where have you been? Where did you go? What happened to Salamon?" Sora asked.

"Yeah. Nyaromon, why are you back to your In-Training form?" Veemon asked.

"Can't tell." Nyaromon said.

"Sorry Sora, but that's all confidential." I said.

"Aw! Why?" Sora whined.

"It would take too long to explain. Right now, we need to go find Riku and Kairi." I said. He nodded his head and we departed from Traverse Town. Later,me and Sora discovered we could use wind magic. Soon we came to a new world. We landed, unaware of the life-changing events that would take place.

No one's Pov

In the world known as Agrabah, the evil fairy Maleficent and evil vizier Jafar, walked through the barren streets discussing their plan.

"And the Keyhole?" Maleficent asked.

"The Heartless are searching for it now." Jafar informed her. "I'm certain we'll find it soon enough. So that just leaves..." Just then, Jafar's parrot Iago flew down and landed on his shoulder.

"Jafar! I've looked everywhere for Jasmine. She's disappeared like magic!" Iago explained.

"The girl is more trouble than she's worth." Jafar sneered.

"You said you had things under control." Maleficent said, annoyed.

"Agrabah is full of holes for rats to hide in. But why worry about Princess Jasmine? With her or without her, surely this world will be ours once we find the Keyhole." Jafar said.

"We need all seven princesses of heart to open the final door. Any fewer is useless." Maleficent explained.

"Well, if the princess is that important, we'll find her." Jafar assured. "Find Jasmine and bring her to me at once." Several Heartless appeared and were lead by Iago into the city.

"Don't steep yourself in darkness too long. The Heartless consume the careless." Maleficent warned.

"Your concern is touching, but hardly necessary." Jafar huffed. The two villains were unaware that all they needed to do to find the Princess was to turn around. "Instead of finding all seven, why can't we focus on the one Princess? The one who' s heart is said to be filled with the purest light and deepest darkness?"

"You mean the ruler and protector over all worlds? The Princess who governs light and darkness?" Maleficent asked.

"Yes. The Princess of Kingdom Hearts..." Jafar said, hissing.

My Pov

We came to a city that was in the middle of the desert. The city was big, but for a big city, it was surprising quiet. The quietness was very unsettling. Then the Heartless showed up. We fought our way through. Soon, we came to an ally of sorts, but didn't see anyone. That's when Shadow emerged from the ground.

"Shadow, what's wrong? I asked. She sunk into the ground, slid across and popped back up near some crates. She started hopping as if to say someone was behind the crates. Nyaromon went over to where Shadow was.

"Over here!" Nyaromon said. I heard a gasp and saw a woman hiding behind the crates.

"Who's there? Hello?" She asked and came out from hiding. If I had to guess, by the way she was dressed, she was a princess. Turns out she was. She was the Princess of Agrabah, Jasmine. She told us how the vizier Jafar had gotten rid of her father and now he controlled the city. She also told us that Jafar was looking for the Keyhole and that a guy name Aladdin helped her escape. Jasmine seemed worried about Aladdin's safety.

"We'll go find him and make sure he's okay." Sora tells her.

"Thank you!" Jasmine said, happily. Shadow disappeared into my shadow again. Why does she always hide in my shadow? That's when we heard a creepy voice.

"Aladdin? Where might I find this street rat?" We looked up to see a very sinister-looking man carrying a snake staff. My guess; this was Jafar. "Jasmine, allow me to find you more suitable company, my dear princess. These little rats won't do, you see." he said haughtily.

"Jasmine, run!" I yelled. She hurried off to hide. Me and Sora summoned our Keyblades, ready to fight.

"Ah, the boy and girl who hold the key." Jafar said, but not before leaving Heartless for us to deal with. We fought our way through the city. My Digivice suddenly glowed.

"Nyaromon digivolve to... Salamon!"

We finally arrived at a house. We had to climb up a poll to get in the house. Poor guy. The house was really just a single room. That's when I heard something. I looked down and saw the most unusual thing in my life. A carpet was underneath a shelf, but here's the weird part; the carpet was moving and trying to get free! I manage to move the shelf enough to where the carpet got up and flew out the window.

"The carpet flew off toward the desert. Let's follow it!" Donald said. We hurried after the magic carpet. We found it waiting for us. It wanted us to hop on. We did and it took his further into the desert. This felt familiar. Then, another memory flashed through my head. I was five and flying on a strange looking glider. I was gripping on to someone who wore armor.

"I'm scared, _!" the younger me cried.

"Don't worry Hikari. I won't let you fall. Just hold on tight." the boy said. I nodded and felt my fear melt away.

"Thanks V_! I love you!" the younger me said. I felt tears run down my face. That boy... why did his voice make my heart flutter? Who was he? Why couldn't I remember?

Even If You're In the Deepest Darkness, I'll Be Your Light(Digimon ver.)Where stories live. Discover now