The Longing Heart

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My Pov

We came to the square and saw the Heartless going crazy.

"Puppy Howl!" Salamon exclaimed.

"V-Headbutt!" Veemon said. With their help, we destroyed all the Heartless. We went to a small graveyard and saw more Heartless. After getting rid of them, I heard a yipping sound. I looked at a small grave to see a ghost dog with a glowing orange nose rise from the ground.

"Zero! Have you seen Sally anywhere?" Jack asked his companion. The little ghost flew behind a grave stone and there was a feminine gasp. It was a woman who's body was covered in seams and stitches. She had pale blue skin and was a bit more realistically proportioned when compared to other Halloween Town residents like Jack, albeit her neck was quite long and her hands and feet were rather small. There were stitches on each of her wrists, a few on her arms and legs, several on her upper chest, one on her neck, one at the top of her head, and one on each corner of her mouth, the last of which made her look as if she was sporting a Glasgow smile. She wore red lipstick and nail-polish and had long eyelashes, and her feet were covered by black shoes, worn over baggy, black-and-white striped socks. Her long, brown hair reached down to her hips and was parted in the middle. Her clothing consisted of a worn, tattered dress made up of many different scraps of cloth sewn together. While it was predominantly pale pink and grey, her dress had small areas of yellow and green near around her left and right shoulders, respectively, and each individual patch was covered in a unique black or grey pattern(save for a few patches that are a solid color). This had to be Sally.

"Is something wrong, Jack?" Sally asked.

"No, everything's going great. We're going to have the best Halloween ever. All we need now is your memory." Jack said.

"'Memory'? You mean this?" she asked, holding up a small bouquet of tiny flowers. Forget-Me-Nots. That's what the doctor meant by memory. "Jack, I have a bad feeling about this. Why don't you try something else? There's still time." Sally pleaded.

"Nothing could beat what I have planned! Once we give the Heartless a heart, they'll dance just as I envisioned it. Trust me. You're going to love it!" Jack exclaimed. Sally didn't seem so sure. We left the graveyard and went back to the lab. I dug around a little more and found a jack-in-the-box. It seemed weird, but I held on to it.

No one's Pov

Unaware to the group, the local trio of pranksters had heard all of the conversation. The trio was made of two boys and a girl.

"Lock!" A boy dressed as a devil called, jumping out of hiding.

"Shock!" A girl dressed a witch called, jumping out of hiding.

"Barrel!" The other boy dressed as a skeleton called, jumping out of hiding. "Did you hear that?"

"Yeah, I sure did! A heart! What should we do?" Lock asked.

"Gosh, you really are stupid! Isn't it obvious?" Shock scolded.

"Tell Oogie Boogie." Barrel said. They ran back to their leader, who then began to plan for a way to steal the heart.

My Pov

We gave the doctor the forget-me-nots and the jack-in-the-box. Turns out, the little child's toy was the ingredient known as surprise.

"There you go. This time it's sure to work." the doctor said. He rolled to place the heart on the table. Suddenly, a boy rolled out from under the table and tripped the doctor. The heart bounced and another boy caught. The boys and a girl ran out of the lab. Jack told us they were the prankster trio known as Lock, Shock and Barrel. We ran after them, but lost sight of them soon after. Jack called for Zero who lead us the way the three kids had gone. We soon came to a manor and I spotted the kids in a walking bathtub going toward the manor. We hurried after them. We caught them just as they threw the heart down a chute. They attacked us and it was actually hard to beat them since they were small and quick. We managed to subdue them after about ten minutes.

"We were just following orders! Oogie Boogie told us to steal the heart." Shock said. Oogie Boogie? I heard Sally mention him once and he was apparently a very bad influence. "it's all Barrel's fault! It was his idea to tell Oogie Boogie about the heart."

"Yeah, that's right!" Lock said.

"B-But you guys said-" Barrel stammered.

"You should be ashamed!" Shock scolded. That was cruel how these two just threw their friend to the wolves. Sora pulled down a lever and the gears started turning. Shock said something about a green door. We went all around the manor looking for the green door. Soon, we found it at the foot of the manor's base. There I saw a burlap sack creature with featureless black holes for eyes. This had to be Oogie Boogie.

"Oogie Boogie, give me back the heart!" Jack yelled.

"You want it? Well, then come over here and get it!" He swallowed the heart and laughed. "Say, aren't you the Princess of Kingdom Hearts?" I cringed. I still didn't want to accept I was a princess of any kind. I simply nodded. "That's right! You're the special someone of Maleficent's little helper." I gasped. He meant Riku. "If you want, I can send you to him in flash." Oogie said. I felt my body shaking. I wanted to go to Riku.

"Hikari, no!" I snapped my attention to Sora. "He's lying!" Sora cried. I felt a tug on my dress. I looked to see Salamon, pulling on it as if telling me not to go. I realized Sora and Salamon were right. I got ready to fight.

"Oh, well. Your loss. Now, let's see if I can get their attention. Oh, Heartless!" Oogie called. Only two Heartless appeared. "This is it? Nobody disrespects me! Nobody!" This was one of the most difficult battles we ever had. No only did we have to fight Oogie, we had to dodge his gambling machines on top of that.

"Sora, me and Salamon have to digivolve." Veemon said. Sora and I held up our Digivices.

"Salamon digivolve to... BlackGatomon!"

"Veemon digivolve to... BlackVeedramon!"

Veedramon and Gatomon machine to break down the gate that blocked us from Oogie. I manage to get to the platform Oogie was on and I stabbed him in the stomach with the spike on my Keyblade. It tore open his body and thousands of bugs poured out. We left the manor only to see Oogie had given in to darkness like Jafar had. Oogie had fused himself with his manor.

"Oogie's drawing his power from those dark globs!" Jack pointed out. We hurried to destroy them, which was almost impossible. We had to deal with Heartless, fire and orbs of darkness coming at us. I found the last glob.

"Lightning Paw!" Gatomon said. She struck it hard with her paw and destroyed it. Oogie disappeared in a cloud of black dust and the manor collapsed. Then the Keyhole's silhouette appeared. Sora and I pointed our Keyblades to the sky and locked it. We went back to the doctor's lab. "Sally, why didn't I listen to you?"

"Don't feel bad, Jack. We'll come up with another plan for Halloween. Next time, we'll do it together." Sally said. This scene warmed my heart. We departed from Halloween Town and traveled onward.

Riku's Pov

This power was amazing. I finally found the strength I had been looking for. My team had become even stronger too. It was only a matter of time before Sora and Hikari got here. Once they were, I'd make Sora pay. Hikari... I'll get you back. When I do, I'll never let Sora get his hands on you again. That's when I heard Hook's voice.

"We've spotted the Keyblade brat and the Princess's vessel!" Hook called. Finally.

"You better be ready Sora. I'm going to make you suffer. Hikari is mine!" I said. I hurried to the deck and waited.

No one's Pov

Little did the silver-haired boy know that he would end up hurting more than his former friend. He would end up severally damaging the heart of the girl he claimed to love and, in the process, destroy himself.

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