100 Acre Wood

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No one's Pov

Again, the evil ones watched the Keyblade bearers and their friends.

"What drew the Heartless to that world?" one asked.

"The hunter lured them there. It was his lust for power that was the bait. But it seems the bait was too tasty for his own good." the leader said.

"Yeah, he got chomped instead!" a second exclaimed.

"A wear-hearted fool like him stood no chance against the Heartless. But the children are a problem. They found one of the Keyholes. Not only that, but one of the Kingdom Crests as well." the second said.

"Fear not. It will take them ages to find the rest." the leader said confidently. A projection of the four appeared. "Besides, they remain blissfully unaware of our other plan.

"Yes, the princesses..." the third said.

"They are falling into our hands, one by one." The leader turned her attention to five of the princesses, Snow White, Aurora, Belle, Cinderella and Alice. "Speaking of which..."

"Also, that girl... She seems quiet strange, but powerful." the third stated.

"Yeah and she also has a Kingdom Crest! Is she one of the chosen ones?" the fifth asked. The leader shook her head.

"No, but she could be a threat. We must keep a special eye on her. And I know the right person who can do just that." the leader said as everyone turned their attention to a certain silver-haired boy who entered the hall.

My Pov

We decided to head back to Traverse Town and show the gummi block to Leon. He'd probably know what to do with it. We arrived in Traverse Town and looked everywhere, but couldn't find him. Sora pointed to a blocked waterway.

"Why don't we go that way?" Sora suggested. It was sealed off, but if the four of us rammed into it... So we did and the bars busted down. We went down the newly made path and saw Leon and Aerith. With them were Liollmon and Aerith's partner, Lalamon.

"So, you found the Keyhole." Leon said, asking in a way.

"Yeah. Our Keyblades locked it automatically." Sora told him

"Good." Aerith said.

"Every world among the stars has a Keyhole. And each one leads to the heart of the world. There must be one in this town as well." Leon said.

"What makes you so sure?" I asked.

"It was in Ansem's report." Aerith told us.

"The Heartless enter through the Keyhole and do something to the world's core." Leon said.

"What happens to the world?" Sora asked.

"In the end, it disappears." Aerith said.

"What!" We exclaimed. Leon explained why our keys were so important. When we asked about the gummi block, Aerith suggested we ask Cid. Leon looked at me.

"Also, Hikari?" Aerith asked.

"Yeah?" I asked.

"Before you and I fought, did you run into any Heartless that didn't disappear after you beat them?" Leon asked.

"Well, actually, this one Heartless jumped at me from above. I shot some kind of strange light at it, but it didn't disappear. Why do you ask?" I asked.

"Because, that same Heartless has been wondering around. As if looking for someone." Aerith said. That's when she left momentarily and came back with the Heartless. It jumped from her arms and started toward me. Sora stood in from of me.

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