"I don't know how you do it," Amber said with a shake of her head. "Just don't go getting heartbroken Onika, because you of all people know I will have no problem stepping in,"

Nicki just chuckled at her cousins statement knowing full well she was being serious. "Feel free to share the joke," Nicki's mother threw at her causing Nicki to kiss her teeth and make out that it was nothing...

Her flight to Canada went smoothly and she had no trouble finding her driver at the airport. The drive to his new apartment, took just under and hour and she found herself just enjoying the view of the city as they drove.

Upon arrival to the complex, she got out of the car and grabbed her bags, after assuring the driver she would be fine to take them up herself. She climbed up the stairs to his apartment - decision she regretted after getting realizing he was located on one of the highest floors. 

When she did finally make it up - using the lift to help her out - she walked along the corridor to his apartment and knocked on the door. It took him a little while, but he soon opened the door with a small smile on his face. He was dressed in a pair of grey sweats and a white ovo t-shirt, and even with it's simplicity, Nicki couldn't help but purse her lips together as she looked him up and down. 

He stepped out of the way and allowed her to walk in, taking her bag out of her hands as she did so. "How was your flight?" He asked as he watched her take off her coat and place it on the hook.

"It was very good actually, thanks for asking," She gave him a small smile that he gladly returned before leading the way to his bedroom. He placed her bag on the bed and started unpacking for her as she just took in her surroundings. "This view is beautiful," She said as she walked towards the floor to ceiling that overlooked the city.

"I know, one of the main reasons I chose it," He said as he placed the bag in the corner of the room after having taken out her clothes and distributed them into his closet and some in his draws. "It's also out of the way and allows me the space I need,"

"You gonna be out here more often then?" she asked still looking out at the rain droplets that were drawing patterns on the window. 

"Most likely," He said before removing his t-shirt and throwing it in the hamper as he walked over the window as well. "I'll be here until they've finished my new place, so as long as I don't need to be in the US I'll be here," he said gently before wrapping his arms around her from behind and placing a kiss on her neck. "I was about to take a shower, do you wanna join me?"

She just nodded, finding herself relaxing into his hold. He gently pulled away from her and turned her to face him. He helped her out of her clothing and took her hand, leading her to the en suite. He turned on the shower and got it running whilst he got undressed before they stepped in together.

after a few moments of just enjoying the warm water, he began bathing himself, and once he was finished happily moved on to her. 

He took his time just enjoying the feeling of her silky softy skin on his finger tips. He watched was the water removed the foam from her body and couldn't help but let his hands retrace it's steps. His arms wrapped around her waist and pulled her into him before his lips made their way to her neck, gently suckling on the skin there, and causing her to release a light moan. 

"Aubrey," She lightly whispered as her hand found it's way to the back of his neck, whilst the other rested on his chest. He just hummed into her skin as he placed more kisses along her shoulder. "I want you to give me a tour,"

He softly pulled away from her and looked into her eyes. "Where do you want me to start?" He asked having picked up on what she actually wanted.

She bit her lip and diverted her eyesight to her hands that were resting on his chest. He licked his lips and just watched her as she observed him. He placed his index finger under her chin and forced her eyesight back up to meet his, before leaning in and giving her a kiss. And when they pulled away she whispered against his lips: "In the bedroom,"

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